,Reaction mechanism studies on isoquinoline with hydroxyl radical in aqueous solutions

来源 :中国高等学校学术文摘·化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjun198
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The reaction mechanism between isoquinoline and .OH radical in aqueous dilute solutions under different conditions was studied by pulse radiolysis. The main chara-cteristic peaks in these transient absorption spectra were attributed and the growth-decay trends of several transient species were investigated. Under neutral or alkaline condi-tions, the reaction of-OH radical and isoquinoline produces OH-adducts with respective rate constants of 3.4 × 109 and 6.6× 109 mol-1.dm3·s-1 while under acidic conditions, the isoquinoline was firstly protonated and then -OH added to the benzene ring and produced protonated isoquinoline OH-adducts with a rate constant of 3.9× 109 mol-1.dm3·s-1.With a better understanding on radiolysis ofisoquinoline, this study is of help for its degradation and for environmental protection.
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