
来源 :油气储运 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuchen112
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研究了降凝剂(PPD)对模拟油中蜡析出的影响,用高速离心机对特定温度下析出的蜡进行了分离,得到了加剂前后不同温度下的析蜡量;用气相色谱法测定了降凝剂以及模拟油加剂前后析出的蜡的碳数分布及烷烃含量。试验结果表明,不同温度下的析蜡量均减少,降凝剂浓度为0.2%和0.5%时降低的趋势几乎一致,浓度为1%的降凝剂在相对低温时对蜡的析出有很大的抑制作用;析出的蜡与原蜡在碳数分布上有一定的区别,析出的蜡碳数呈双峰分布;降凝剂对模拟油中小碳数烷烃的析出有抑制作用,而对碳数较大的烷烃的析出有促进作用。 The effect of pour point depressant (PPD) on the wax precipitation in simulated oil was studied. The wax precipitated at a specific temperature was separated by high-speed centrifuge, and the amount of wax was obtained at different temperatures before and after the addition. The content of wax was determined by gas chromatography Pour point depressant and simulation of oil additives before and after precipitation of wax carbon number distribution and paraffin content. The experimental results showed that the amount of wax precipitation decreased at different temperatures, the decreasing trend was almost the same when the pour point depressant concentration was 0.2% and 0.5%, and the pour point depressant with a concentration of 1% The wax and the original wax have some differences in the carbon number distribution and the waxy carbon number presents a bimodal distribution. The pour point depressant can inhibit the precipitation of small alkanes in the simulated oil, while the carbon number Precipitation of larger alkanes can be promoted.
肥 鹅(文) 车酸酸(绘)  《论语》原文:道听而途说,德(dé)之弃也。  译文:四处传播(bō)从街(jiē)头巷(xiàng)尾听来的小道消息,有道德的人都看不起这种行为。  本来很正常的一件事,被道听途说的人以讹(é)传讹,最后竟然变得这么离谱!很多谣(yáo)言就是這样产生的。所以不管咱们听到什么消息,都要先动动脑筋辨(biàn)辨真假,想想合不合理,经过验(yàn)证真实无误后再告诉
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