解放思想 开拓进取 加强管理 稳健经营 为我省财产保险事业的健康发展和全面进步而继续奋斗

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以党的十五大精神为指导,传达贯彻全国银行行长、保险公司总经理会议和中保集团全国工作会议精神,总结1997年工作,部署1998年工作任务。进一步解放思想,更新观念,开拓进取,强化管理,稳健经营,提高效益,对于全面完成今年各项工作任务,具有重要的现实意义。一、1997年工作的基本情况1997年是我公司分业经营后的第一个完整的年度,各级公司认真贯彻落实中保集团全国工作会议和省分公司工作会议精神,积极推进两个根本性转变,培育新的业务增长点,大力发展业务,深化改革,强化管理,努力提高经济效益,切实加强精神文明建设,圆满地完成了各项任务。(一)努力开拓市场,培育新的业务增长点,各项业务持续稳步发展。全省系统继续发扬勇于竞争、开拓进取的精神,按照既保持一定的发展速度,增加业 Guided by the spirit of the 15th CPC National Congress, we conveyed and implemented the spirit of the National Working Conference held by the President of the National Bank of China, the General Manager of the Insurance Company and the China National Insurance Group, summarized the work in 1997 and deployed the tasks for 1998. Further emancipating the mind, updating concepts, forging ahead and enterprising, strengthening management, maintaining sound management and improving efficiency have an important and practical significance for the full fulfillment of the tasks of this year. I. Basic Situation of Work in 1997 The year 1997 was the first complete year after our company was separated. The companies at all levels conscientiously implemented the spirit of the National Working Conference of China Insurance Group Group and the working conference of the provincial branch and actively promoted two fundamental We have successfully completed various tasks by nurturing new growth points in our business, vigorously developing our business, deepening reforms, strengthening management, making efforts to increase economic efficiency, and earnestly building spiritual civilization. (I) Efforts to explore new markets and cultivate new business growth points, with various businesses continuing to develop steadily. The province’s system to continue to promote the courage to compete, forge ahead, in keeping with both the pace of development and increase industry
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台湾省目前种植金针菜面积已超过1000公顷,主要分布在台东县太麻里、长滨、知 本,花莲县玉里、富里一带,是台湾东部山坡地主要的特产品之一。以往台湾栽培的金针花品种(H.fu