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本工作从吸附质结构、活化工艺条件及吸附条件与动态吸附的关系出发,对PACF的吸附动力学(着重其固—气吸附动力学)特征(及若干吸附动力学方程),在PACF固—气吸附体系中的适用性进行了初步探讨。实验表明,PACF对多种有机溶剂饱和蒸汽的吸附速度很快。吸附过程以瞬时吸附过程开始,继以一个慢速可测吸附过程。后者与表面官能团的吸附作用有关。固—气吸附速度随PAC比表面的增加而增加。慢速可测吸附过程随表面官能团含量增加而变得更为明显。吸附速度随吸附温度升高而下降。吸附速度随压力下降而减少,但吸附平衡时间缩短。实验还表明,在本实验条件下,PACF固—气吸附动力学可用Langmuir吸附速度方程In(qm/(qm-q))=kt或Bangham吸附速度方程In(In(qm/(gm-q))=Ink’+(1/m)Int来描述。 Based on the relationship between adsorptive structure, activation process conditions and adsorption conditions and dynamic adsorption, the adsorption kinetics of PACF (focusing on its solid-gas adsorption kinetics) (and several adsorption kinetics equations) Gas adsorption system in the applicability of a preliminary study. Experiments show that, PACF saturated with a variety of organic solvents saturated steam very fast. The adsorption process begins with an instantaneous adsorption process followed by a slow measurable adsorption process. The latter is related to the adsorption of functional groups on the surface. The solid-gas adsorption rate increases with the increase of PAC surface area. Slowly measurable adsorption processes become more pronounced as the surface functional group content increases. The adsorption rate decreases with increasing adsorption temperature. The adsorption rate decreased with decreasing pressure, but the adsorption equilibrium time was shortened. The experimental results also show that under the experimental conditions, the kinetics of solid-gas adsorption of PACF can be described by the Langmuir adsorption rate equation In (qm / qm-q) = kt or the Bangham adsorption velocity equation In (qm / qm- ) = Ink ’+ (1 / m) Int.
塞北《梅花》羌笛吹,淮南桂树小山词。请君莫奏前朝曲,听唱新翻《杨柳枝》。 ——唐·刘禹锡 Saibei “plum” bamboo flute blowing, Huai Nan Gui Shan Hill words. Pleas
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