最近读到《中国京剧习俗》一书,它是陕西人民出版社推出的“中国风俗丛书”之一 作者为青年民俗学者叶涛先生。正值盛夏酷暑,热气袭人,我捧起这本十几万字的新著却爱不释手,竟一口气读了下去,而且读得饶有兴味,深有所得。 读罢全书之后,首先我为该书作者那种可贵的拓荒精神所感动。在一般文人学士的心目中,往往把戏俗看作是民间落后的东西而不屑一顾。这种贵族老爷式的偏见,把它排斥在科学殿堂的大门之外,实在是一种学术上的悲哀。但叶涛先生却相反,他以一个
Recently read “Chinese Peking Opera Customs,” a book, which is published by Shaanxi People’s Publishing House, “Chinese Custom Series,” one writer for the young folklorist Mr. Ye Tao. At a time when summer heat and hot air hit people, I won this new book of more than one hundred thousand words and put it down. I actually read it in one breath and read it with great interest and deep income. After reading the book, first of all, I am touched by the precious pioneering spirit of the book’s author. In the eyes of the average literati, it is often dismissed as a matter of folk backwardness. This aristocratic prejudice, excluding it from the gate of the temple of science, is indeed an academic sadness. But Mr. Ye Tao, on the contrary, he took one