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On the basis of atmospheric dynamic equations, this article deals with the cxistence of solitary waves and comes to the conclusion that solitary waves may appe
Some unusual features have been analysed in this paper on the sea conditions ofnorthwestern East China Sea and the fisheries of Mackerel, Round Scad, Sardines
Four heterogeneous colors of fluorescence were demonstrated in macrophages from rabbit lymph nodes and mouse peritoneal exudate using fluorescent staining. The
The HsaI restriction enzyme from the embryos of human, Homo sapiens, has been isolated with both the tissue extract and nnelear extract. It proves to be an unu
应国家海洋局杭州水处理中心、浙江省膜学会邀请,日本膜学专家中垣正幸先生将于一九八九年五月初来杭州讲学,主要内容为日本的膜和膜技术。愿参加听讲者请于三月底前与 At
This article gives a computing method to calculate the geostrophic current. The fact that kinetic energy of geostrophic motion and geostrophic potential energy
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