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继续攻关人、车、会、话(住宅电话)和公费医疗等项支出,历来是财政支出管理的重点和难点,这些支出增长怏、浪费多,难以控制。公赞医疗改革受挫后,我一方。面进行深刻总结和反思,一方面又开始考虑下一个支出管理改革的目标。一次失败,不能阻止我们按照市场经济体制的要求用改革的办法加强财政支出管理的步伐。1996年下半年,我们将目光盯上了行政会议费支出。我们省行政会议费支出一直居高不下,1988年和1989年曾连续两年居全国首位,人均支出高于全国平均水平30%以上。虽然通过决算分析,我们及时发现问题并报请省政府同意采取了有效措施,使会议赞支出过快增长的势头得到了有效控制,但上有政策,下有对策,一个制度或办法的有效时间总是有限的,一般都是好景不长,过不了几年,当时行 It has always been the key and difficult issue of fiscal expenditure management to continue to tackle the expenses incurred by people, vehicles, clubs (residential phone calls) and public medical services. These expenditures have increased, are wasted and are difficult to control. After the public praise medical reform setback, I am on the side. Conducting a profound summary and reflection on the one hand, they began to consider the next goal of expenditure management reform. A failure can not stop us from stepping up the pace of fiscal expenditure management by means of reform in accordance with the requirements of the market economic system. In the second half of 1996, we focused on Expense Expenses of the Executive Council. Our province’s administrative expenses have been consistently high. In 1988 and 1989, they ranked first in the country for two consecutive years with per capita expenditures above 30% of the national average. Although the settlement analysis, we found the problem in time and reported to the provincial government agreed to take effective measures to make the council support the momentum of excessive growth has been effectively controlled, but there are policies, there are countermeasures, the effective time of a system or approach Is limited, are generally not good, not a few years, then OK
少年的成年型糖尿病又称MdSon型糖尿病,简称MODY。临床罕见,我们遇到2例,现举1例讨论如下。 患儿男,13岁。多饮多尿多食1个月,但消瘦不明显。自述轻度乏力,经常腰部疼痛。Bp
我院1993~1994年收治母乳性黄疸患儿20例,现分析如下。 1.一般资料:男12例,女8例,全部足月顺产出生,出生体重2.5~4kg,就诊年龄5天至2个月,平均28.3天,黄疸出现时间为生后4~8天,
笔者自1993~1994年间,用自拟利水健脾饮治疗婴幼儿腹泻210例,取得满意效果,现总结如下:1 一般资料210例患儿中.3~6月50例,6~12月122例,1~3岁38例,病程最长半年,最短1天. The aut