Compressive Deformation of Semi-Solid AZ91D Magnesium Alloy

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huzhan_dong
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The compression tests of semi-solid AZ91D Mg alloy have been conducted on a parallel-plate viscometer. The results are as follows. With increasing the compression temperature, the deformation rate or the strain rate of the specimens rises, but the compressive stress continuously decreases; the deformation strain is obviously linear with the compressive stress and independent on compression temperature under a given compression load. In the wake of the compression load being added, the compressive strain increases but the compressive stress decreases clearly; the deformation strain is obviously linear with the compressive stress under different compression load. The mathematical apparent viscosity model about the semi-solid compressed AZ91D Mg alloy has been established, i.e. ηapp=2004.2exp(15.61fs)γ1.317fs-1.3511. The compression tests of semi-solid AZ91D Mg alloy have been conducted on a parallel-plate viscometer. With increasing the compression temperature, the deformation rate or the strain rate of the specimens rises, but the compressive stress ; the deformation strain is obviously linear with the compressive stress and independent on compression temperature under a given compression load. In the wake of the compression load being added, the compressive strain increases but the compressive stress decreases clearly; the deformation strain is obviously linear with The compressive stress under different compression load. The mathematical apparent viscosity model about the semi-solid compressed AZ91D Mg alloy has been established, ie ηapp = 2004.2exp (15.61fs) γ1.317fs-1.3511.
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