1963年7月17日及次年6月23日,我站饲养场先后检查了68只来亨鸡,其中4只鸡患鸡白痢,长期不愈。肠内分泌物将肛门下的鸡毛粘连在一起,未能及时清除,发出腐尸样的特臭,诱引蝇类大量产卵,孵化后发生了蝇蛆病。4只病鸡中有1只发现较早,及时将粘连的鸡毛清除(当时蝇卵已孵化,皮肤等组织尚未损伤),并用75%酒精将患处消毒,幸免死亡。 鸡患蝇蛆病的部位,都在鸡肛门下约4厘米处,但溃疡面各不相等。 第一例病鸡,溃疡面约在肛门下4厘米处,直径约4厘米,深约1厘米,发病后15日死亡,在溃疡面周围
July 17, 1963 and June 23, the following year, we checked 68 leghorn chickens in our feedlot farm, of which 4 chickens were suffering from white scour of chickens and long-term unhealed. Intestinal secretions will be anal under the feather adhesion together, failed to timely removal, issued a carrion-like peculiar smell, attract a large number of flies spawning, myeloma occurred after hatching. One of four chickens was found earlier, and the chickens were removed in time (when the eggs had hatched, the skin and other tissues were not damaged yet), and disinfect the affected area with 75% alcohol to avoid death. The sites of myiasis in chickens are about 4 cm below the anus, but the ulcers are not equal. The first case of sick chicken, ulcer surface about 4 cm below the anus, about 4 cm in diameter, about 1 cm deep, died on the 15th after onset, around the ulcer surface