引 言自 1 84 0年鸦片战争以来 ,在西方先进思潮的激荡和中国经济政治的大变动下 ,中国社会现代转型提上日程。① 转型伊始 ,即有大批忧国忧民的文化人开始思考着中国社会现代转型的方向和出路 ,他们根据时代的需要和个人的体验 ,提出了各式构想 ,诸如洋务运动、君主立宪、
Introduction Since the Opium War in 1884, with the tide of Western advanced thoughts and the great changes in China’s economy and politics, the modern transformation of Chinese society has been put on the agenda. ① At the beginning of the transition, a large number of cultural people worried about the country began to ponder the direction and ways out of the modern transformation of Chinese society. They put forward various kinds of conceptions according to the needs of the times and personal experiences such as the Westernization Movement, constitutional monarchy,