The authors of a group of microscopic examination found erythrocyte leakage and platelet count in 88 cases (46 males and 42 females), clinical, histological and immunohistological aspects of the study and follow-up observation. The results of 88 cases of purpura patients, found that there are two different histological reaction type. The first type accounted for 27 cases, the main manifestations of neutrophil infiltration and from edema to fibrinous necrosis of the vascular wall damage, known as polymorphonuclear leukovascular (PMNV). The second type, including 61 cases of mainly perivascular mononuclear cells infiltration, not involving the shallow vessel wall, known as lymphocytic perivascular inflammation (LP). Immunohistological examination showed that in the 27 cases of PMNV group, 18 cases were found immunoglobulin in the vascular wall and 16 cases were found in the same site