Peacock's Fireworks

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  Once upon a time(很久以前), there was a magical Peacock Fairy. She can make people’s dream come true. She was beautiful in appearance(外表), and in heart as well.
  Mr. Wolf: Peacock Fairy, you have wonderful magic. Would you like to teach me?
  Blue Peacock & Red Peacock: We want to learn as well.
  Peacock Fairy: All right. But I’ m sorry, I will only take one girl as my apprentice(徒弟).
  Green Peacock & Blue Peacock & Red Peacock: Me Me!
  Peacock Fairy: Hmm ... you all look similar. I will choose the most beautiful one. Come here again at 12:00 tonight.
  All the young peacocks were preparing for the interview, and they talked with each other.
  Green Peacock: Mum, am I beautiful?
  Mother Peacock : Oh my baby, you are the most beautiful peacock!
  Blue Peacock: Who said you were the most beautiful peacock? I am more beautiful than you, OK?
  Green Peacock: No, you’re not.
  Blue Peacock: (angrily) I am!
  There was an old man walking along the road. He looked so tired.
  Old man: Oh my god, it’ s so hot. I can’t walk any more.
  Red Peacock: Sir, are you all right? Can I help you?
  Old man: Oh, it’s so hot today. I can’ t endure(忍受) the high temperature(高温).
  Red Peacock: (use her feather to fan the air) Do you feel better now?
  Old man: Much better. Thank you.
  Red Peacock:  You are welcome, sir. This is for you.
  Old man: It’ s so kind of you.
  The Red Peacock heard a couple talking about the crops. She felt sad.
  Husband: I worked day and night in order to make a living, but the crops didn’t grow as I wished. Now I will open my lunch box.
  Wife: It’s empty. There are no crops! We can
  only wait to die.
  Red Peacock:  What’s the matter with you?
  Husband: We are very very hungry.
  Red Peacock: (think for a while) This is for you. You can sell it and you can buy the food.
  Wife: Thank you. You’re so kind.
  The little peacock was on her way to the forest. She wanted to visit the Peacock Fairy. She walked by the house.
  Mother: Do you feel better now, my child? The doctor said you would soon recover after the New Year.
  Boy: Mum, will any fireworks hold on the New Year? It’s so beautiful! I am eager to watch it.
  Mother: Oh, sweetie, you can’t see the fireworks now. And you can only see it on the New Year.   Boy: Mum, I really want to see it. It will give me wish and power.
  It’s 12:00 at night in the forest. All the young peacocks get ready.
  Peacock Fairy: My children, you are all well-dressed. Where are your feathers?
  Old man & Couples: Madam, she gave her feathers to us!
  Peacock Fairy: I decide to take this little peacock as my student, because she has a very kind and pure heart.
  Green Peacock: No, no, it’s impossible! She is so ugly!
  Blue Peacock: Mum, it’s unfair.
  Red Peacock:  Thank you, Peacock Fairy. Could you teach me
  to make fireworks? I want to help a boy.
  Peacock Fairy: Absolutely! I’d like to teach you! Magic!
  Magic! Now you can fly, and fireworks will start.
  Boy: Mum, mum, fireworks, it’s so beautiful! I feel much better now!
  Mum: That’s great, my sweet boy.
  Peacock Fairy: Come here, my little girl. You’re so kind. So I will teach you magic. Keep trying to help others, and you will be happier than ever.
Materials:  colorful paper彩纸,scissors剪刀,glue胶水,marker pen马克笔,color pens水彩笔  1. Fold the paper in half. 沿著对角线对折黄色的正方形彩纸。  2. Fold the acute-angles to the right-angle. 将三角形的两个尖角折向三角形的直角。  3. Fold the sm
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學 名:Crab  居住地:ocean(海洋), lake and pond(池塘)  食 谱:small fish, shrimps(小虾), shellfish (贝类)and seaweed(海藻)  特 长:swim, walk sideways(横着走)and dig sand(掘泥沙)  This is a blue whale.  Blue whale lives in the oc