
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nomaryo
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[目的]为了防治无偿献血活动中可能出现的不良反应,确保大型献血活动的顺利进行。[方法]做好献血前的宣传动员,掌握适应症;做好献血现场的人本管理;选派副高以上的护理人员担任现场保健。献血反应现场处理:①轻型反应—采用“V”型体位、吸服糖开水后进食营养餐。②中型反应—平卧、静脉注射50%葡萄糖注射液40ml。针眼淤血处理:①少量渗血—拇腹压迫法;②穿刺点敷贴浸透渗血—纱布垫压迫双向按压止血。[结果]献血不良反应13人,占5.56%;针眼渗血11人,占4.7%;经现场处理10min后好转、均无后遗症,有效地避免了献血重型反应。[结论]献血现场保健可起到鼓励、观察、慰问、异常情况及时处理等作用,是大型献血活动必不可少的重要措施。 [Objective] In order to prevent possible adverse reactions in voluntary blood donation activities and ensure the smooth progress of large-scale blood donation activities. [Methods] Do a good job before the blood donation propaganda and mobilization to master the indications; do blood donation scene of human-based management; selected sub-above the nursing staff on-site health care. Blood donation reaction on-site treatment: ① light reaction - using “V” type position, suck sugar water boiled nutrition meal. ② medium reaction - supine, intravenous injection of 50% glucose injection 40ml. Needle-eye congestion: ① a small amount of bleeding - compression of the thumb; ② piercing point dressing soaked bleeding - gauze pad pressure two-way compression to stop bleeding. [Results] There were 13 adverse reactions in donating blood, accounting for 5.56%. There were 11 eyes in the eye of the eye, accounting for 4.7%. After the treatment in the field for 10 minutes, no sequelae were found, which effectively avoided the heavy reaction of blood donation. [Conclusion] Blood donation on - site health care can play an important role in promoting large blood donation activities by encouraging, observing, condolences and timely treatment of abnormal cases.
所谓遗传咨询 ,是以患有遗传性疾病的患者及其家属以及有可能患病的人为对象 ,为使其能够按自己的意愿选择生活方式 ,而进行临床遗传学诊断以及医学判断 ,从而提供正确信息 ,
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郑州仁人健康体检中心是经卫生部门批准设置的从事健康体检和医疗保健的专业机构,也是河南省首家民营大型专业化、现代化的健 Zhengzhou Renren health examination center
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