Buried waveguide in neodymium-doped phosphate glass obtained by femtosecond laser writing using a do

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We fabricate a buried channel waveguide in neodymium-doped phosphate glass using a double line approach by femtosecond laser writing. Raman spectra reveal an expansion of the glass network in the laser irradiated region. Given the stress-induced positive refractive index change, waveguiding between two separated tracks is demonstrated. The refractive index difference profile of the waveguide is reconstructed from the measured near-field mode. Propagation loss is measured by scattering technique. Microluminescence spectra reveal that the Nd3 fluorescence property is not significantly affected by waveguide formation process, which indicates that the inscribed waveguide is a good candidate for active device.
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报道了一种基于空芯光纤的光泵浦中红外HBr气体激光器。用一台可调谐的窄线宽2 μm连续波掺铥光纤放大器泵浦一段充低压HBr气体的4.4 m反共振空芯光纤,通过将种子激光的波长精确调谐到HBr(同位素H 79Br)气体R(2)吸收线1971.7 nm附近,使得处于振动基态 v0的H 79Br分子跃迁至振动激发态v2,并在振动态v2与v1之间形成粒子数反转,通过跃迁选择定律同时激射出两条谱线R(2)和P(4),波长分别为3977.2 nm和4165.3 nm。当HBr气压为6.2 mbar时,4 μm激光最大