An inversion decomposition test based on Monte Carlo response matrix on the γ-ray spectra from NaI(T

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:harryvincent
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The Na I(Tl) scintillation detector has a number of unique advantages, including wide use, high light yield,and its low price. It is difficult to obtain the decomposition of instrument response spectrum because of limitations associated with the Na I(Tl) scintillation detector’s energy resolution. This paper, based on the physical process of c photons released from decay nuclides, generating an instrument response spectrum, uses the Monte Carlo method to simulate c photons with Na I(Tl) scintillation detector interaction. The Monte Carlo response matrix is established by different single energy γ-rays with detector effects. The Gold and the improved Boosted-Gold iterative algorithms have also been used in this paper to solve the response matrix parameters through decomposing tests,such as simulating a multi-characteristic energy c-ray spectrum and simulating synthesized overlapping peaks cray spectrum. An inversion decomposition of the c instrument response spectrum for measured samples(U series, Th series and U–Th mixed sources, among others)can be achieved under the response matrix. The decomposing spectrum can be better distinguished between the similar energy characteristic peaks, which improve the error levels of activity analysis caused by the overlapping peak with significant effects. The Na I (Tl) scintillation detector has a number of unique advantages, including wide use, high light yield, and its low price. It is difficult to obtain the decomposition of instrument response spectrum because of limitations associated with the Na I (Tl) This paper, based on the physical process of c photons released from decay nuclides, generating an instrument response spectrum, uses the Monte Carlo method to simulate c photons with Na I (Tl) scintillation detector interaction. The Monte Carlo response The Gold and the improved Boosted-Gold iterative algorithms have also been used in this paper to solve the response matrix parameters through decomposing tests, such as simulating a multi-characteristic energy c -ray spectrum and simulating interpreted overlapping peaks cray spectrum. An inversion decomposition of the c instrument response spectrum for measured sampl es (U series, Th series and U-Th mixed sources, among others) can be achieved under the response matrix. The decomposing spectrum can be better distinguished between the similar energy characteristic peaks, which improve the error levels of activity analysis caused by the overlapping peak with significant effects.
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新课改走进了小学课堂已经多年。新课改理念本着自身的优势,已顺利运行到了数学课堂当中,它带给教师一种新的传授方式以及展示在学生面前的一种崭新的不同以往的学习生活,使学生在学习过程中主动参与,营造了一种平等、宽松的学习氛围。  一、结合教材,传授生活中的“数学知识”  在《新课程标准》中强调数学与生活实际的密切联系,让学生初步学会运用所学的数学知识和方法解决一些简单的生活实际问题,使学生真正体会到数学
一、课堂教学布白艺术及其作用  我国唐代诗人柳宗元的古诗《江雪》:千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。插图只画了一叶扁舟漂浮在水面上,一个渔翁坐在船上垂钓,四周除了白雪,全为空白。它给欣赏者提供了深远的意境和广阔的想象余地,使“无画处皆成妙境”。  布白,是艺术的表现手法之一,是处理空间问题的一个重要理论。课堂教学中的“布白”,是指为了启迪学生的思维,激发学生的想象,培养其个性,教师故
研究退火温度对A286合金抽芯铆钉组织、硬度和铆接性能的影响。结果表明,A286抽芯铆钉在1 100℃温度下退火后有平缓的硬度下降梯度,退火区硬度和宽度适中,且鼓包均匀,无二次
【摘 要】 要想搞好语文教学,就得有一定的方法或技巧。本文作者从自己的教学实践出发,总结了“精心设计开场,创设最佳氛围;巧选切入点,出奇制胜”等四把钥匙,有一定的借鉴意义。  【关键词】 语文教学 方法技巧 四把钥匙    要想点燃学生的兴趣之火,老师就要不断地探索点燃“烟火”的技巧,使语文课“活”起来。那么,语文老师该如何激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲望,让学生带着一颗好奇的心去上语文课呢?笔者从事
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在江苏率先提出五严规定的教育大背景下,学生的负担轻了,压力小了,但是教师面对这样的新形势应该采取什么样的策略呢?由于体育课不同于其他文化课,体育课是以身体练习为基本练习手段的教学方式,课堂教学的主阵地空间很大,可变性因素很多,所以体育教师必须在增强课堂教学实效上面大做文章,这是体育教学的主要任务,我认为体育教学应该从以下几个方面来达到减负增效。  一、依据课程标准,备好教材,精心组织教法   教材
【摘 要】 延时评价,是相对即时评价来说的一种特殊的评价方式,是学生在课堂上作出回答或说出一种想法之后,教师不急于进行终极评价,而是缓一缓,等待适当的时机作引导性点评。延时评价,能给学生广阔的思维空间,利于创设宽松、和谐的教学氛围,让学生主动、积极地学习,使学生利于从不同角度、不同侧面思考问题,解决问题,让他们的发散性思维、求异思维及多向思维能力得到充分的培养,潜能得到充分的挖掘,让语文课堂催生出