
来源 :国际航空 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chamlea
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在亚洲地区的航空客运增长因空域容量和候机楼吞吐能力的限制受到严重阻碍之时,这一地区的航空货运却呈现出一片繁荣景象.随着萧条之后航空货运业务的复苏,这一地区大多数机场目前正在增加现有设施的货运能力,或准备在现正在建设的新机场中配置大量的新货运设施.然而,亚洲地区的货运发展也面临着机场吞吐能力严重不足的威胁.跑道吞吐能力不足和航道拥挤已严重制约了这一地区航 While air passenger growth in Asia was severely hampered by airspace capacity and terminal capacity constraints, air cargo in the region showed signs of prosperity as the air cargo recovery after the recession hit the region Most airports are currently increasing the cargo capacity of their existing facilities or preparing for the deployment of a large number of new cargo facilities at the new airport now under construction.However, the development of freight transport in Asia is also facing a serious threat to the airport’s throughput capacity. Inadequate capacity and overcrowded waterways have severely restricted this regional route
温州港第一装卸公司根据《转换企业经营机制条例》的要求,从温州港实际出发,在转换企业经营机制中作了一些尝试。 According to the requirements of the Regulation on the
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交通工程 兰新线将铺成我国最长的无缝钢轨。5月中旬,在兰新线哈密至火石泉段,已成功铺设总长为8公里的超长无缝钢轨线路,并投入使用。 兰新铁路复线建设的制约工程——天山
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Is spring your favourite season? Well, Amy likes it best. Spring is such a warm and beautiful season! Is spring your favourite season? Well, Amy likes it best.
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《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》已经十届全国人大常委会第二十八次会议审议通过,将于2008年1月1日起施行。这是我国政治、经济和社会生活中的一件大事。它关系到亿万劳 The L