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草蛉是重要的捕食性天敌,国内许多地区正在推广用于防治蚜虫等害虫。其中,大草蛉(Chrysopa Slbtlmbnclala wlsmali)分布广,捕食蚜虫量大,是治蚜的重要蛉种。前人报道其成虫系单纯肉食性昆虫,人工繁殖必需喂饲蚜虫等活食,目前在生产上要大量繁殖,周年供饲活蚜,困难甚大。国内虽见有人进行人工饲料饲养大草蛉成虫的试验,但尚未见成功的报道。有的配方虽能少量产卵,但子代不能正常发育传代。因而探索草蛉成虫人工合成饲料, Grass mullet is an important predatory natural enemies, and many domestic areas are being promoted for the control of pests such as aphids. Among them, Chrysopa Slbtlmbnclala wlsmali is widely distributed and has a large amount of predation aphids, and is an important species for controlling aphids. Previous reports of its adult lines are carnivorous insects, artificial breeding must feed aphids and other live food, the current production in large numbers to reproduce, annual feeding live aphids, difficult. Although some people try to feed artificial turfgrass adults, but no successful reports. Although some formula spawns a small amount, but the offspring can not normally develop passage. Therefore, to explore the adult worm grass synthetic feed,
用毒土防治玉米蚜虫,经我们80年小区试验取得较好效果:磷胺、乐果毒土,在施药后15天内,保持药效90%以上;甲六粉、呋喃丹、六六六粉毒土,施药后15天内保持 With poison soil
(二) 昆虫信息素(Insect pheromone) 1.什么是昆虫信息素? 昆虫信息素或称外激素,专指由昆虫某一器官或组织分泌的,能在体外借助空气或其它媒介传至同种昆虫的另一个体而产
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