
来源 :兵器材料科学与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mj5211314
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本文研究了拉伸速度和充氢时间对D6AC钢力学性能及形交断裂的影响。结果发现:此钢的塑性指标随拉伸速度的提高而增加,随充氢时间的加长而减小。于现有的充氢条件下,在较短的充氢时间里,存在一个临界拉伸速度,大于此拉伸速度时,材料对氢脆不敏感。而且存在着一个临界充氢时间,大于此充氢时间,在各自的拉伸速度下,塑性基本保持不变。从断口观察结果可见:随充氢时间的加长,试样的断裂源由中心移到边部,断裂方式从穿晶转成沿晶,沿晶断口所占比例随充氢时间的增长而增加。在较短的充氢时间里,随拉伸速度的增高,断裂源由边部移到中心。总之,这与氢脆的敏感性随充氢时间的减短和拉伸速度的提高而减小的结果完全一致。 In this paper, the effects of tensile velocity and hydrogen charging time on the mechanical properties and shape breakage of D6AC steel were studied. The results showed that the plasticity of this steel increased with the increase of tensile speed and decreased with the increase of hydrogen charging time. Under the existing hydrogen charging conditions, there is a critical tensile speed in a short hydrogen charging time, and above this stretching speed, the material is not sensitive to hydrogen embrittlement. And there is a critical hydrogen charging time, greater than this hydrogen charging time, at their respective stretching speed, the plastic remained basically unchanged. From the fracture observations, it can be seen that with the increase of hydrogen charging time, the fracture source of the sample moves from the center to the edge and the fracture mode transforms from transgranular to intergranular. The proportion of intergranular fracture increases with the increase of hydrogen charging time. In the shorter charging time, the fracture source moves from the edge to the center with the increase of the drawing speed. In conclusion, this is in good agreement with the reduction of hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility as the hydrogen charging time is shortened and the stretching speed is increased.
腾龙目前有两只 DI-Ⅱ镜头,DI 是指兼容数字单反相机,镜头既可应用于胶卷相机也可应用于数字相机,但更适用于数字相机。DI-Ⅱ表示镜头是为搭载 APS-C 规格传感器的数字单反
随着数码单反相机的降价,现也成了很多数码摄影爱好者的考虑范畴。数码单反相机和普通 DC 的最大不同之处就是可它可以自由更换镜头,能更好地适合不同环境拍摄需要。但这样
大同县地处山西省最北部,地理位置特殊,生态环境脆弱。2006年以来,该县全面启动和实施了省级六大造林绿化工程,全县至今共完成京大、 Datong County is located in the nort