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中国社会科学院经济研究所已进入“不惑之年”。40年前,在敬爱的周恩来总理、李富春副总理、郭沫若院长等的关怀和指导下,在中国科学院原社会研究所的基础上组成了中国科学院经济研究所。40年来,经济研究所风雨兼程,历尽艰辛,逐步成长为国家经济科学研究的重要阵地。在这里,曾经聚集了孙冶方、张闻天、顾准、严中平、许涤新等堪称学界一代风范的卓越的马克思主义经济学家。他们为我国经济科学的发展、为经济研究所的建设,倾注了心血。在他们的培育下,新中国经济学界一批中坚力量茁壮成长,为我国社会主义建设和改革开放、为我国经济科学的繁荣和发展,作出了重大贡献。他们言传身教,在经济研究所培育和树立了追求真理、实事求是、朴素严谨、无私无畏的优良学风和高尚的职业道德,并成为经济研究所的传统。这些是我们的极其宝贵的财富。当前,我国社会主义建设和经济改革已进入新的历史阶段。经济研究所所承担的任务是艰巨的,我们应当继承和发扬所的优良传统和严谨学风,团结奋进,励精图治,为进一步繁荣和发展经济科学,培养和造就品学兼优的人才,作出新的贡献。 Institute of Economic Research, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has entered the “Never-Hundred Year.” Forty years ago, under the care and guidance of the beloved Premier Zhou Enlai, Vice Premier Li Fuchun and dean Guo Moruo, the Institute of Economics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was formed on the basis of the former Institute of Sociology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the past 40 years, the Institute of Economic Research has experienced trials and hardships and has gradually grown into an important front for the country's economic and scientific research. Here, there have been outstanding Marxist economists such as Sun Yefang, Zhang Wentian, Gu Zhun, Yan Zhongping, and Xu Dixin, who have all followed the example of academic circles. They devoted their efforts to the development of China's economic science and the construction of the Institute of Economic Research. Under their cultivation, a number of nuclei in the new Chinese economics circle have thrived and have made great contributions to the socialist construction, reform and opening up in our country and to the prosperity and development of our country's economic science. They have preached their own precepts and trained themselves to cultivate and establish the fine study style and noble professional ethics of pursuing truth, seeking truth from facts, simplicity, rigor and selflessness in the Institute of Economic Research and becoming the tradition of the Institute of Economic Research. These are our extremely valuable assets. At present, China's socialist construction and economic reform have entered a new historical stage. The task undertaken by the Institute of Economics is arduous. We should inherit and carry forward the fine traditions and rigorous style of study, work in unity and make every effort to achieve prosperity, develop the economic sciences, cultivate and bring up talents with good academic qualities, and make new contribution.
一部正在公开征求意见的地方性法规《山东省义务教育条例(草案)》在教育界、学生和家长中引发了激烈争论,原因在于它明确规定:在职教师不得从事有 A local statute that is
美国海军陆战队用作制式的新型榴弹及转膛式榴弹发射器美国海军陆战队决定采用以南非德内尔公司生产的40mm 口径转膛式榴弹发射器为原型加以改进的新型榴弹发射器作为制式。
1.2003年5月21日,俄罗斯联邦政府发布决议,确定将( )等3种手枪正式列入俄军的装备体系。   A.马卡洛夫手枪、改进型马卡洛夫手枪、 5.45mm小口径手枪   B.TT-33手枪、马卡洛夫手枪、斯捷启金手枪   C.GSh-18手枪、雅利金手枪、谢尔久科夫手枪   2.军用( )地形图属于大比例尺地图,是军用的主要地图,显示地形详细,图上量读距离误差为30~50m,高程误差为5m。   
<正> 近年来,我国学者对于日本历史的研究不断向着广度和深度发展,陆续出版了一些专著。在这些著作中,孙承著《日本资本主义国内市场的形成》一书,独辟蹊径,从流通领域入手,考察了日本自幕末以来国内市场的发育、发展的历史过程,并由此探索了日本近代资本主义发展的轨迹和特点。全书共分7章。作者在第1章《绪论》中指出,关于日本资本主义国内市场形成过程的研究,学术界从本世纪30年代才开始涉猎,在战前及战后的一段时期内,"国内市场狭隘论"非常流行,60年代以后一些学者提出了"国内市场扩大论"的观点,影响逐渐