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国家教委教办(1993)429号文《高等学校档案实体分类法》.《高等学校档案工作规范》,是指导高校档案工作的纲领性文件.几年来,我院共青团档案工作抓住机遇,以此为指针,摸索出一条适合本院特点的档案工作路子,使我院这项工作逐步走上了正轨.共青团工作是以团员青年为对象,以共青团组织为依托的一种社会工作,凡是在共青团工作中形成的具有保存价值的文字、图表和声像载体资料,均属共青团档案的范畴,是整个学校档案系统中有机的组成部分.通过几年的实践,共青团档案工作的必要性和重要性日益为我们所认识,而且为我们做好档案工作打下了基础.首先,共青团岗位的特殊性,决定了档案工作的重要.众所周知,共青团岗位不够稳定,是属于青春型的岗位,当团干部达到一定年龄,生理和心理上便不再适合这项工作.所谓的“活水快流”便是这个道 State Education Commission teach the Office (1993) No. 429 “higher school file entity classification.” “College file management practices” is to guide the archives work programmatic documents. In recent years, our college file work of the Communist Youth League to seize the opportunity to This is a guideline to find out a suitable file for our hospital work path, so that this work has gradually put our hospital on the right track. The Communist Youth League is a youth league as the object, the Communist Youth League organizations as a social work, all in The preservation of the value of the text, graphics and audio-visual carrier materials formed in the work of the Communist Youth League belong to the category of the CYL archives and are an integral part of the entire school archival system. Through years of practice, the CYL archives work is both necessary and important Sex is increasingly recognized by us, and laid the foundation for us to do the archives work.Firstly, the particularity of the CYL posts determines the importance of archival work.As we all know, the positions of the CYL are not stable enough and belong to the youth-type positions. When it reaches a certain age, it is no longer physically and mentally fit for this job. The so-called “living water fast flow” is this road
教学 Teachingrn数学课程改革强调了对学生情感、态度和价值观的培养,小学生已经具有了一定的知识和经验,对自然与社会现象也有了一定的探求欲望,这就需要教师对学生进行有目
教学 Teachingrn导 读:rn文言文阅读教学要以读为本,这已成为广大语文教师的共识.在文言文阅读教学中,教师要引导学生明确朗读的目的,采用重锤敲打式朗读、由分到合式朗读、
A full-length cDNA that encodes the rice chloroplastic glutamine synthetase 2 gene was isolated from a Minghui 63-normalized cDNA library; and GS2 rice transfor
Teaching 教学rn新课标提出:要激发学生展开联想,鼓励写想象中的事物.可见,引导小学生把自己的想象写出来,激发小学生的想象力,是小学语文作文教学的重要任务.那么怎样提高小