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1月5日,美联储公布的一份薄薄的会议记录,成为扇起全球金融市场风浪的“蝴蝶翅膀”:自1月5日至1月11日的一周内,香港恒生指数连续四天重挫,市值蒸发2000亿。投资者基于对人民币升值预期而支撑起来的繁荣,在一夜之间消褪得干干净净,此时此刻,一个熟悉的名词再次掠过人们的脑海,那就是“非理性繁荣”。而恰巧此前不久,美国著名经济学家希勒教授所著《非理性繁荣》的中译本问世:当初英文本出版后不到两个月,即见证了网络经济泡沫的破灭;而今中文本问世不久,由豪赌人民币升值游资掀起的浮华亦黯然退去,事实再次佐证,人们必须对希勒教授关于“非理性繁荣”的论断给予高度重视。 January 5, the Fed announced a thin meeting minutes, become a fan of the global financial markets storm “Butterfly Wing”: From January 5 to January 11 during the week, the Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong for four consecutive quarters Tens of days, the market value evaporated 200 billion. Investors, based on their expectations of RMB appreciation, have faded overnight to clean up. At this very moment, a familiar term once again passes through people’s minds, that is, “irrational prosperity.” Just happened that not long ago, the famous American economist Professor Shiller, “Irrational Prosperity,” the Chinese version of the advent: the original English version less than two months after publication, that witnessed the collapse of the network economic bubble; and now the Chinese version of the advent , Ghost gambling revalued by the gamble of gambling also regret sadly receded, the fact once again corroborated, people must give Professor Professor “irrational prosperity,” the conclusion given great importance.
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自1954年Francois报告首例类固醇性青光眼后,国外对本病报告较多,现将所见二例报告如下。例1女,18岁。1989年9月28日就诊。主诉为双眼反复红,痒2年,在他院诊为 Francois si
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