Factors, other than Intelligence, in Learning English

来源 :中学课程辅导.教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junjian1127
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Teaching, in general, seems to have changed considerably in China. Classroom methods,traditionally teacher-centered, are becoming student-centered. Teaching English is no exception. However, change is a slow process. For a long time, the roll the native intelligence of an individual plays in teaching and learning activities has been considered superlative, while factors, other than intelligence, are always been ignored.Since learning English is a very complicated process and involves a series of actions, it should be realized that though the native intelligence of an individual plays an important part, factors, other than intelligence, are also important in acquiring knowledge. This paper will focus on motivation and attitude and will suggest teaching methods for motivating and stimulating students to develop positive attitudes. Only when the factors in English learning are well understood, can teaching methods and creative learning settings that engage students in active and interactive activities be developed. The importance of these factors and suggested teaching strategies for motivating and stimulating students to develop positive attitudes will also be discussed. Though native intelligence may determine the ability with which each student copes with a variety of situations and problems in learning English, the necessary role of the factors discussed in this paper, cannot be ignored. They are essential elements for studying persistently and successfully. This paper will define the factors deemed necessary for learning in order to explain their importance in transforming intentions into learning behaviors. Realizing the importance of factors in learning supports the shift in classroom teaching styles-from one of teacher performance to one of student performance. Hopefully, it will generate a change in the teacher's role from one of dominating, proficient master to a supporting, encouraging guide who creatively designs learning tasks to meet the intellectual, as well as personal needs of the students.
目的:分析和探讨临床上分离出来的肺炎克雷伯菌对于临床常用抗菌药物的耐药性,并对氟喹诺酮类药物防耐药突变浓度能力(MPC )进行测定分析。方法:对从临床病人身上分离出的202株肺