
来源 :中华少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RyanD
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根据新课标要求,培养小学生创新思维、创新意识和实践能力是一个迫切的任务。而让学生通过动手操作参与知识发生、发展的过程是培养学生创新意识和实践能力的有效途径,并不能因为在实际操作中遇到麻烦而轻易放弃!翻开数学新教材,映入眼帘的是五颜六色的图画,生动有趣的故事,憨态可拘的动物,深受欢迎的卡通,这不仅仅给枯燥的数学赋予了生命,更为我们教师的教学设计提供了丰富的资源。教材为我们小学数学教育者提供了这样许许多多的情景图。实质上是编者把他对人生的理解、对现实的看法,转化到书本上以图的形式来展示,并不是要广大教师局限在图中,必须看图、用图、讲图。我在实际教学中感到,教师学生拿着实物走进教室,动口、动手创设一个个比较真实的情境,让学生看得见、摸得着,学生能更快的进入学习角色,能产生更大的学习兴趣,能有更具体的感受和体验。 According to the requirements of the new curriculum standards, cultivating pupils’ innovative thinking, innovative awareness and practical ability is an urgent task. Let students participate in the knowledge through the hands-on operation, the process of development is an effective way to cultivate students’ innovative awareness and practical ability, and can not easily give up because of the troubles in the actual operation! Open mathematics new textbook, the glimpse of Colorful pictures, vivid and interesting stories, naive animals, and popular cartoons not only give life to boring mathematics, but also provide rich resources for the teaching design of our teachers. The textbook provides so many elementary school math educators with so many scenarios. In essence, the editors put his understanding of life, the reality of the view, into books in the form of a map to show, not to the majority of teachers limited to the map, you must see the map, with the map, map. I felt in the actual teaching, teachers and students took in-kind into the classroom, move, create a more realistic situation for students to see, feel, students can quickly enter the learning role, can produce more Big interest in learning, can have more specific feelings and experiences.
本文讨论了多媒体技术在教学中的作用及其优点,同时对多媒体教学的不足进行了探讨。 This article discusses the role of multimedia technology in teaching and its adva
(题目后括号内前一数字为期数 ,后一数字为页码 )本刊特稿新时代呼唤新经济学———简论“天人合一”经济学熊映梧 (1·0 4 )虚拟联合 :2 1世纪企业的自由王国张 奎 (1·0 7
课余读苏霍姆林斯基《给教师的建议》一书,读到过这样一个故事:一位有三十年教龄的教师上了一节公开课,课上得非常出色,听课的人都听得入了迷,竟连做记录也忘记了。课后,邻校的一位年轻教师问道:“您花了多少时间来备这节课?不止一个小时吧?”   那位上课的教师说:“对这节课,我准备了一辈子。而且,总的来说,对每一节课,我都是用终身的时间来备课的。”   说实在的,我一直认为,高中的课程只要多上几轮,备课就