部分国家综合国力变化之比较 我国工农业主要产品产量居世界位次之变化

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资料来源: 《半月谈》1991.2 资料来源: 《中国统计年鉴》1990、1989注:①、③为1950年数字,②为1987年数字说明与启示:综合国力系指一个主权国家生存与发展所拥有的全部的物质力和精神力及国际影响力的合力,包括政治、经济、科技、国防、文教、外交,资源等各力共七个方面。资料之一即是40年来世界主要国家历史进程的简明概括。从表中不难看出,一些国家的综合国力虽也有发展,但位次变化不大,有的还退后了,甚至被甩出了这一先进行列,而中国却有着惊人长进,由原来的第13位跃居第6位,说明综合国力大大增强了。这从资料二中工农业主要产品产量位次变化也可以得到证实。同是泱泱大国,过去数不上的,如今却居于显赫位置。我们完全可以说,如果40年中不是经历几次大的折腾,显然各方面的位次还会提前。 Source: “Semi-monthly Talks” 1991.2 Source: “China Statistical Yearbook” 1990, 1989 Note: 1, 3 is the 1950 figure, 2 is the 1987 figure Explanation and Revelation: The comprehensive national power refers to the ownership and development of a sovereign country. The overall force of material and spiritual forces and the strength of international influence, including politics, economy, science and technology, national defense, culture, education, diplomacy, and resources, are all in seven areas. One of the materials is a concise summary of the history of major countries in the world for 40 years. It is not difficult to see from the table that although the comprehensive national strength of some countries has also been developed, there have been few changes in the ranks, and some have lagged behind, even being thrown out of this advanced ranks, while China has been surprisingly advanced from the original The 13th jumped to No. 6, indicating that the overall national strength has been greatly enhanced. This can also be confirmed by the change in the output of major products of industry and agriculture in the second data. The same country is a big country. In the past, it was not a top one. Now it is in a prominent position. We can safely say that if we do not experience a few big torments in 40 years, it is clear that the rankings will be advanced in all aspects.
电子数显卡尺全国行业评比会于1991年7月28日至8月3日在烟台召开。参加行评的共有13个厂家,我部3147厂和3157厂参加了此次行评。行评共评出优等品3家、一等品2 The electron
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编辑同志: 县(市、区)人武部归建后,由于现役干部缺编多,部分县采取配齐职工来充实现役干部工作岗位,以缓解现役干部编制少且缺编的矛盾,这无疑是件好事。但是,据笔者所知,
航天系统1991年技术交流活动各承办单位正在积极开展,现简要报道如下: The organizers of the space technology system’s technical exchange activities in 1991 are act