“大锅饭”的魅力 犹太民族历史悠久,不但民族凝聚力和宗教信仰表现得特别强盛,而且他们的生财之道也同样让人赞叹。犹太人头脑聪明,擅长做钻石珠宝生意和从事金融业,赚钱多,富豪多,这些民族特色,许多中国人都了解,但犹太人点沙成金,在一毛不拔的荒漠上生产出滚滚美元,知道的人却不多:犹太人在以色列建立了公有制——公社和合作社,知道的中国人就更屈指可数了。
The charm of the “big pot” Jewish people have a long history, not only national cohesion and religious expression was particularly strong, and their way of making money is equally impressive. Jewish people are clever, good at doing business of diamonds and jewelery, financial industry, making more money and more rich people. Many Chinese people are aware of these ethnic characteristics. However, Jews make a fortune to make money in the inexhaustible desert and they know people Not much: The Jews have established public ownership in Israel - communes and cooperatives, and the number of Chinese people they know is even smaller.