
来源 :法律与生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:morningwind2009
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2004年8月20日,天津市河西区人民法院对红星浴池经理冯某、司炉孙某涉嫌盗窃罪一案开庭审理。公诉机关代表国家向二被告人同时提起附带民事赔偿请求。 这是一起盗用燃气的犯罪案件,案情虽然较简单,可盗窃燃气的数额巨大。而由此案引起的检察机关提起的国家公益诉讼更值得人们关注和深思。 August 20, 2004, Tianjin Hexi District People’s Court of Red Star Bath Manager Fengmou, Secretary furnace Sun suspects theft case trial. The Public Prosecution Service, on behalf of the State, simultaneously filed a civil compensation claim with the two defendants. This is a criminal case of misappropriation of gas. Although the case is relatively simple, the amount of theft of gas can be huge. However, the prosecution initiated by the prosecutorial case caused by the case of national public interest litigation more worthy of people’s attention and reflection.
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一对做生意的年轻夫妇双双被洪水冲走。几天后,丈夫的尸体被找到,妻子却生不见人,死不见尸,经女方父母申请,这个不幸的女子被法院宣告死亡。 该女子的死亡时间如何认定呢?是
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