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河套灌区具有发展农牧林业生产的优越自然条件,但是也有容易产生土壤次生盐碱化的不利条件——三盛公引水枢纽及总干渠的建成,开创了人民控制黄河的新阶段,它是一项有益于人民的工程——灌区建设的主要经验教训是违背了在土地利用率超过一定限度(25%)时,没有排水就不能发展灌溉这一自然规律,同时不量力而行,违背了经济规律对治理方针的争论是灌区建设客观规律认识上逐步深化的反映,是好事,不是坏事——灌区建设在不断地前进-“井渠(沟)结合,排灌配套,节源开流,综合治理,改造工程,加强管理”是正确的方针——必须强调综合治理措施——明沟、竖井、暗管各自在一定条件下和不同程度上起有效的排水作用;灌排措施必须从实际出发,因地制宜,——改革秋浇制度和改革水费征收制度——在加强科研的基础上制定土壤改良分区治理规划——继续进行排灌工程配套,加强田间工程建设;积极解决电力供应问题——灌区现代化的标准. Hetao Irrigation District has the superior natural conditions for the development of agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry production, but there are also unfavorable conditions that easily lead to the secondary salinization of soil - the construction of the Shengshenggu Water Diversion Project and the main canal has created a new stage in which the people control the Yellow River. It is A project beneficial to the people - The main lesson learned from the construction of irrigated areas is that it runs counter to the natural law that irrigation can not be developed without drainage if land utilization exceeds a certain limit (25%) Economic law debate on the principle of governance is the gradual deepening of the understanding of the objective laws of the construction of irrigation areas is a good thing, not a bad thing - the construction of irrigation areas continue to move forward - “Drainage and drainage (ditch) integration, drainage and irrigation facilities, Governance, renovation project, strengthen management ”is the correct approach - must emphasize the comprehensive management measures - Ming ditches, shafts, pipes under certain conditions and to varying degrees effective drainage; irrigation and drainage measures must proceed from reality, Adapting Measures to Local Conditions - Reforming the System of Autumn Muddy and Reforming the System of Collecting Water Till - Making Plans for Improved Soil Management on the Basis of Strengthening Scientific Research - Continue Line irrigation and drainage engineering support, strengthen field construction; actively solve the problem of electricity supply - the modernization of irrigation standards.
利用1989-2008年欧洲中期天气预报中心高时空分辨率的再分析资料以及1980~2019年的大气化学-气候模式模拟资料分析了热带对流层顶层(Tropical Tropopause Layer,TTL)结构的变化
大型复杂和异型建筑幕墙层出不穷。本文详细解读了一种新的施工措施——“吊架平台”在高空吊顶幕墙安装的 成功应用,以期为今后的建筑幕墙设计及施工中提供一种新的解决思