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1866年瞻对赏藏及其后收归川属是清末川边史上的重大事件。1896年,川督鹿传霖率先筹瞻川属,因清廷反对而功败垂成。随着英国在1903年第二次入侵西藏,清政府终于一改此前反对收瞻之旨,谕令川督锡良、驻藏大臣有泰及帮办大臣凤全筹瞻川属,此时锡良态度模棱两可,凤全力主之,有泰则坚决反对,长达半年之久的争论终致筹瞻无功。1905年初凤全被杀后锡良开始用兵巴塘,对此瞻对藏官则直接出兵干预,锡良意识到筹瞻川属势在必行,遂在巴塘战事结束后力主收瞻,但因他地乱事丛脞而未及实施。直到1906年6月清军攻克桑披寺川边战事暂告一段落后,锡良奏设川滇边务大臣,在川边改土归流大幕拉启的时代背景下,时任川督赵尔丰终在1911年将瞻对收归川属。从清末瞻对问题的连续性审视,锡良督川时期筹瞻川属虽未实现,但以锡良为首的地方官员关于筹瞻川属的谋划和举措以及锡良筹瞻态度的变化,彰显出筹瞻川属已是川边内外交困形势下的必然选择,同时客观上在鹿、赵之间构筑了联系的桥梁,具有承前启后的历史作用。 Looking back on the appreciation of the 1866 and subsequent collection of Sichuan are Chuanbian in the history of the Qing Dynasty major event. In 1896, Chuan Tuo Lu Chuan Lin took the lead in Chuanchuan, due to the Qing opposition and defeat. As the United Kingdom invaded Tibet for the second time in 1903, the Qing government finally changed its previous objection to the purpose of confiscation. It ordered that Governor Tetsuya Kawaji and the Resident Minister held a meeting with the Minister of Defense Affairs of Thailand, Ambiguous attitude, Feng wholeheartedly, Thailand is firmly opposed, as long as six months of controversy eventually led to recklessness. In early 1905, after Feng was killed, Xi Liang began to use Batangtang. He directly intervened in Tibetans’ direct military operations. Si Liang realized that it was imperative to look forward to seeing Chuan Chuan Chuan. Because of his confusion but not implemented. Until June 1906, when the Qing troops captured the riverfront war in Sang Phi Temple and temporarily came to an end, Si Liang played the role of Minister of Sichuan and Yunnan in the background of the policy of " In 1911 will be looking forward to the return of Sichuan. From the perspective of the continuity of the Qing dynasty to the continuity of the issue, although the project of looking forward to Sichuan in the period of Xianyang-Chuan-Chuan did not materialize, the planning and measures taken by Chi- It is already an inevitable choice under the situation of internal and external destabilization in Chuanbian, and at the same time it objectively establishes a bridge of contact between deer and Zhao and has the historical function of inheriting the past and opening up.
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