
来源 :艺术与设计(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiqing
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我国室内设计的理念已经从最初满足人类居住的基本需求和用各式各样的材料来显示豪华气派,转移到了用什么样的技术和手法能够渲染室内环境,也就是对情感的追踪。色彩语言与图形语言的研究对室内设计的情感追踪有的紧密的联系。因此,作为一个优秀的设计师,应该对色彩语言与图形语言有一定的深刻了解和研究,设计出属于自己风格和特色的设计,同时也满足人类随着经济发展,物质也不断膨胀的需求。 The concept of interior design in China has been from the initial meet the basic needs of human settlements and use a wide range of materials to show the luxury style, transferred to what kind of techniques and techniques can be used to render the indoor environment, that is, the tracking of emotions. Color language and graphic language research on the interior design of the emotional tracking of some closely linked. Therefore, as a good designer, we should have a deep understanding and research on color language and graphic language, design our own style and characteristic design, and satisfy human’s needs of material expansion along with economic development.
用4种不同栽培方法栽植人参防治红皮病,其效果显著,并且各栽培区参根的优质参率及单产均高于对照区。 Planting ginseng against erythroderma with four different cultivatio
4月19日晚观看全国首届会计知识大赛决赛电视录像,心情很激动。首先,建国以来第一次看到我们的同行在全国电视观众面前,进行专业知识大赛,为会计界争取了荣誉。第 On the e
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目的:探讨PECAM-1在肝细胞肝癌(Hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)组织中的表达及意义。方法:选择2013年5月-2015年6月在我院接受治疗的HCC患者100例,收集肝癌患者HCC组织及癌旁
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周克露(Curzate)400倍、500倍、600倍液防治黄瓜霜霉病,喷药4次后,平均病情指数仅0.13—0.29,防治效果依次为99.74%、99.55%和99.49%.比克霉灵(乙磷铝)提高防治效果7.49%以上,增产16%以上,比不防治增产86%以上。 400 times, 500 times and 600
万马奔腾年代新,振兴百业志凌云。紧日子,两三春, Wanma Pentium era new, revitalization of the industry Zhi Lingyun. Tight day, two or three spring,