自严译《法意》面世以来的近百年间,法学译著并不多见。虽近年来情况有所变化,但国内法学研究欲“规范化”——欲与世界法学研究“对话”,还有相当的距离。近读《日本破产法》发觉无论是从著,还是从译方面来说,都堪称法学研究“规范化”之突出范例。 先说著方面。石川明作为当代日本著名破产法学家,对日本破产法和破产法研究动态有相当的了解。因此,首先,作为其代表作的此书,其结构体系完整,涵盖了破产问题的方方面面:倒产与破产制度;破产程序的开始;围绕破产者的法律关系;正在进行中的诉讼以及执行;破产债权;破产财团;破产程序的结束;小破产;
Since the serious translation of “Law of Italy” since the publication of the past century, legal translation is rare. Although the situation has changed in recent years, there is still a long way to go for “normalization” of domestic legal studies - to “dialogue” with the world legal studies. The recent reading of the Bankruptcy Law in Japan found that it is a prominent example of “standardization” of jurisprudence research both in and out of translation. Speaking first. Ishikawa, as a famous Japanese bankruptcy jurist, has a good understanding of the developments of Japanese bankruptcy law and bankruptcy law. Thus, first of all, the book, as its representative book, has a well-structured system that covers all aspects of the issue of bankruptcy: the system of production and bankruptcy; the beginning of bankruptcy proceedings; the legal relationship surrounding the bankrupts; the ongoing proceedings and enforcement; the insolvency Claims; bankruptcy consortia; the end of bankruptcy proceedings; small bankruptcy;