来源 :Journal of Electronics(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glamour269
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Si/SiGe P-channel Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (PMOSFET) using P+ (phosphor ion) implantation technology is successfully fabricated. P+ implantation into SiGe virtual substrate induces a narrow defect region slightly below the SiGe/Si interface,which gives rise to strongly enhanced strain relaxation of SiGe virtual substrate. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) tests show that the degree of relaxation of SiGe layer is 96% while 85% before implantation. After annealed,the sample appeared free of Threading Dislocation densities (TDs) within the SiGe layer to the limit of Trans-mission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analysis. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) test of strained Si channel surface shows that Root Mean Square (RMS) is 1.1nm. The Direct Current (DC) characters measured by HP 4155B indicate that the maximum saturated transconductance is twice bigger than that of bulk Si PMOSFET. Si + SiGe P-channel Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (PMOSFET) using P + (phosphor ion) implantation technology is successfully fabricated. P + implantation into SiGe virtual substrate induces a narrow defect region slightly below the SiGe / Si interface, which gives X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) tests show that the degree of relaxation of SiGe layer is 96% while 85% before implantation. After annealed, the sample has been free of Threading Dislocation densities (TDs Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) test of strained Si channel surface shows that Root Mean Square (RMS) is 1.1 nm. The Direct Current (DC) characters within the SiGe layer to the limit of Trans-mission Electron Microscopy measured by HP 4155B indicate that the maximum saturated transconductance is twice bigger than that of bulk Si PMOSFET.
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连续三年用激光加电场诱变滇三角大香糯水稻,使其发生正向变异,并具有稳定的遗传特性。对其诱变过程进行机理分析,探索研究。 Three consecutive years with laser plus ele
本文研究了2.5—2.8 Ga维特瓦特斯兰金-铀矿(南非)的西兰德群的未风化的和风化的石英卵石砾岩样品。用a谱仪作了铀、钍元素及其同位素的分析。用二种不同方法来处理样品:全岩
We combine the single shot SHG autocorrelator and the spectrometer in our laboratory to set up a single shot SHG-FROG measurement apparatus. FROG is the initial