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我于1966年7月调离黄冈地区,到郧阳地委任副书记,分管农业。来前,省委主要领导同志介绍了情况,交待了工作指导思想和要求,指出:郧阳地委成立还不到一年,对于山区农业如何发展,正在探索之中。你去后要深入调查,弄清情况,拿出方案,和地委共同商定。我到郧阳后,经过初步接触,开始感到,要抓好郧阳地区的农业,必须深入调查,掌握第一手资料,正确认识山区,看到它与其它地区农业建设的共性,也看到它的特殊性,采 I transferred in July 1966 from the Huanggang area, to Yunyang appointed deputy secretary, in charge of agriculture. Prior to this, the leading leaders of the provincial party committee introduced the situation and handed over the guiding ideology and requirements of the work. They pointed out that less than a year has passed since the establishment of Yunyang prefectural committee and are exploring the development of agriculture in the mountainous areas. After you go to investigate in depth, find out the situation, come up with the plan, and the prefectural agreed. After I arrived in Yunyang, after preliminary contact, I began to feel that to do a good job in agriculture in Yunyang, we must conduct thorough investigations and grasp first-hand information, correctly understand the mountainous areas, and see commonalities with other areas in agricultural construction. Its particularity, mining
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红梅小学及办学成果简介 红梅小学坐落于大连开发区美丽的红梅小区,于1993年建校开学.占地面积13004平方米,建筑面积6200平方米.现有教职工52人,其中具有小学高级教师职称
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