马兰矿掘进一队在12403工作面避断层开补道时,队领导身先士卒,跟班盯面,干部扛大头,工人干活劲头十足,克服春节放假人心涣散等不利因素,到2月29日创造了大断面月炮掘单头进尺380米的好成绩,质量旬旬一级品,安全无轻伤以上事故。 自1995年11月份至今,马兰矿主力采煤队综采一队遇断层举步维艰,严重制约了全矿原煤生产。为此,这个矿把12403工作面避断层开补道的突击任务交给了掘进一队,并限期40天完成。
When the team of Malan mine tunneling team broke through the No. 12403 working face, the leaders of the team took the lead and went to the class to watch. The cadres took a large part and the workers worked vigorously to overcome the unfavorable factors such as the dislocation of the Chinese New Year holiday. They created on February 29th. The large-section cross-barrel gun has a good score of 380 meters on the single head, and the quality is ten days and a grade. The accident is safe and light. Since November 1995, Malan mine’s main coal mining team’s full-mechanized coal mining team has been struggling with difficulties and has severely restricted the production of raw coal. To this end, the mine handed over the task of assault on the 12403 work surface to avoid the opening of the tunnel to the excavation team and was completed within 40 days.