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虎年伊始,8个月来饱受金融风暴肆虐而萎靡不振的东南亚各国股市及汇市,连番反弹上扬,涨势相当强劲,颇有虎年“虎虎生威”的气势。 新加坡的股市及新币汇率随之攀升,但金融界人士和专家学者却对这一波反弹多持审慎观望态度。他们认为,东南亚各国工商企业界偿还外债期在今年年中或下半年,金融风暴对东南亚国家的负面影响要到那时才会完全显现出来,因而各国金融市场情势并不稳定,尤其是印尼3月份又逢总统选举,给本来就不稳定的经济又增加了动荡因素。 At the beginning of the Year of Tiger, stock markets and foreign exchange markets in Southeast Asian countries, which suffered from the devastating financial turmoil in the past eight months, rebounded sharply and the gains were quite strong. This is quite the momentum of the Year of the Tiger. Singapore’s stock market and the Singapore dollar exchange rate climbed, but financial circles and experts and scholars are more cautious on this wave of rally. In their opinion, the repayment of the foreign debt period of the industrial and commercial enterprises in various Southeast Asian countries will not be fully apparent until the middle of the second or the second half of this year when the negative impact of the financial turmoil on Southeast Asian countries will be fully apparent. As a result, the financial markets in various countries are not stable, In the meantime, the presidential election has also added turmoil to the already precarious economy.
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我厂生产的矿山机械中,铸钢齿轮、锻钢齿轮规格多、批量大,仅1972年一年就达150多件,约计7.5吨。 I plant the production of mining machinery, steel castings, forged steel