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1949年7月底,中共中央决定在新中国成立之日举行盛大的开国大典,并成立了以周恩来为主任,彭真、聂荣臻、林伯渠、李维汉等人为副主任的开国大典筹备委员会。筹委会很快拿出了大典方案,其中包括两项重要内容:举行中国人民解放军阅兵式以及举行人民群众游行活动。而阅兵式在哪里搞,成为筹备工作的重中之重,甚至在阅兵方案顺利通过后,也一直没有定下来。而毛泽东对搞好阅兵非常重视:“我们历来主张慎重初战,这次阅兵也是初战,开国第一次嘛。一定要搞好!”1949年8月,华北军区的几位将领来到周恩来办公室,将经过反复论证的两套阅兵方案交给周恩来。第一套方案:地点选在市中心天安门广场;第二套方案:阅兵地点在市郊西苑机场。两套方案分别标画了一张部队位置及行进路线图。周恩来仔细看过后,紧锁眉头。两套方案都有优点,但也各有缺点。天安门广场地处北平市中心,届时领袖、军队和群众水乳交融,开国大典可以搞得轰轰烈烈,特别是天安门城楼就是现成的阅兵台,不必费太多的力气,就 At the end of July 1949, the CPC Central Committee decided to hold a grand opening ceremony on the day of the founding of New China and set up a preparatory committee for the founding ceremony of the founding of the People’s Republic of China with Zhou Enlai as its director, Peng Zhen, Nie Rongzhen, Lin Boqu, Li Weihan and others as deputy directors. The Preparatory Committee quickly came up with a ceremony program that included two important elements: holding the parade of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and holding mass processions of the people. Whereas the parade took place and became the top priority of preparatory work, it has not been settled even after the parade program was successfully passed. Mao Tse-tung attaches great importance to the well-read military parade: “We have always advocated caution in the first instance, and this parade is also a first battle and the first one has started. We must do a good job!” In August 1949, several generals from the North China Military Region came to Zhou Enlai Office, will be repeatedly demonstrated to the two sets of parade handed over to Zhou Enlai. The first set of options: the location selected in the downtown Tiananmen Square; the second set of programs: parade locations in the suburbs of Xiyuan Airport. Two sets of plans were marked a force position and road map. After Zhou Enlai carefully read, locked brow. Both programs have advantages, but also have their own drawbacks. Tiananmen Square is located in the center of Beiping, when the leaders, the army and the masses are in full harmony, the founding ceremony can be vigorous, especially the Tiananmen Square is a ready-made parade, do not have to spend too much effort on
大力发展职业教育是实现现代化的迫切需要 ,但由于“成才观”、“用人观”以及有关政策的影响 ,使高职生报到率不高。要提高高职生报到率 ,就必须制定切实有效的政策措施 ,完
6月1 1日,北京市第二中级法院开庭审理了44岁的湖北男子肖远海因涉嫌吸毒后故意杀人案。肖远海曾因犯盗窃罪于2008年7月15日被法院判处有期徒刑三年三个月,于2010年10月16日