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周镜1947年毕业于上海交通大学土木工程系,1949年春在美国俄亥俄州大学取得硕士学位,新中国成立后,满怀爱国热情的周镜,克服重重困难,于1950年秋回到祖国,投入如火如荼的经济建设之中。 他在铁道部科学研究院工作,长期从事土的基本性质、路基边坡稳定、路基支挡结构和软土地基处理技术的试验研究。 他作为主要参加者之一,筹建了我国铁路系统的第一个土工试验室;组织编写出版了我国第一本《土工试验》规程:提出了按黄土结构力学性质确定路堑边坡坡度的原则;提出了第二滑动面计算衡重式挡土墙的上墙土压力的方法及挡土墙后滑动面出现范围的判别式;在我国最早提出了较全面的“静力触探应用技术暂行规定”。曾获国家科技进步特等奖、国家科技进步二等奖各一项。1993年第一批被授予“詹天佑成就奖”。1978年至1991年担任中国土木工程学会土力学及基础工程学会的秘书长,1991年至1995年被推 Zhou Jing graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1947 with a master’s degree in Civil Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the spring of 1949. After the founding of new China, Zhou mirror, full of patriotic enthusiasm, overcame numerous difficulties and returned to the motherland in the autumn of 1950. In the autumn of 1950, Among the economic construction. He has been working in the Academy of Science of the Ministry of Railways for a long time engaged in the experimental study of the basic properties of soil, the stability of subgrade slope, subgrade retaining structure and soft soil foundation treatment technology. As one of the main participants, he set up the first geotechnical laboratory of China’s railway system. He organized and published the first “geotechnical test” regulation in our country: put forward the principle of determining the slope of the cutting slope according to the mechanical properties of the loess structure; Proposed a method of calculating the earth pressure on the wall of the counterweight retaining wall based on the second sliding surface and the discriminant of the appearance range of the rear sliding surface of the retaining wall. The earliest proposed “Provisional Regulations on Static Cone Detection Technology” “. Won the national science and technology progress prize, the national science and technology progress prize two each one. In 1993 the first batch was awarded the ”Zhan Tianyou achievement award." From 1978 to 1991, he served as Secretary General of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Society of China Civil Engineering Society and was promoted from 1991 to 1995
交界性并行心律和四相性束支传导阻滞少见,两者并发国内还未见报道。现将我们所遇一例报告如下。 临床资料 患者男性,19岁,住院号39466。因咽痛一周于1985年7月5日入院。有慢