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2004年11月1日,国务院发布《劳动保障监察条例》(以下简称《条例》)。《条例》总结了十多年来劳动保障监察工作的经验,规范了劳动保障监察程序,明确了劳动保障行政部门、用人单位和劳动者在劳动保障监察工作中的权利与义务。((条例》的贯彻实施,对于进一步加大劳动保障监察执法力度,规范劳动保障监察执法行为,维护劳动者的合法权益,完善劳动和社会保障法律体系,促进劳动关系的和谐与经济社会的发展,具有重要意义。为了更好地理解《条例》关于维护劳动者权益的具体内容,本刊记者对负责全国劳动保障监察工作的劳动保障部法制司司长闫宝卿进行了采访。 On November 1, 2004, the State Council promulgated the “Regulations on the Inspection of Labor Security” (the “Regulations”). The “Regulations” summarizes the experience of the labor security supervision over the past decade, standardizes the labor security supervision procedures, and clarifies the rights and obligations of the labor security administrative departments, employers and workers in labor security supervision. (The implementation of the “Regulations,” to further increase the labor security supervision and law enforcement efforts to standardize labor and social security law enforcement supervision and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers, improve the legal system of labor and social security, and promote the harmony of labor relations and economic and social development , In order to better understand the “Regulations” on the protection of labor rights and interests of the specific content of our correspondents responsible for the national labor and social security inspection work of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security Secretary Yan Baoqing conducted an interview.
1月6日 晴  在很久很久以前,中华大地上的一个小地方,生活着一群贫穷的人。  他们虽然贫穷,但是信奉观音菩萨,是一群虔诚的信徒。  不知过了几年,经历了几代了,他们依然非常虔诚地尊奉观音菩萨,虽然家里很穷,但是观音庙建得还不错。  他们的行为举止终于感动了观音菩萨,菩萨准备要为他们降下奇迹,帮助他们脱离贫困。  一天,天空乌云密布,电闪雷鸣,村民害怕极了,以为做错了什么事,神要来处罚他们。可是等
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