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2007年6月13日由挪威艺术协会全国联合会(以下简称“协会”)主席汉斯·富雷为团长的挪威代表团一行12人抵达北京,正式拉开了由中国美术家协会、挪威艺术协会全国联合会、挪中文化交流中心联合举办的“2007—2009中挪美术交流项目”的帷幕。2007年6月14日至15日“挪威艺术及传播研讨会”在北京越秀大饭店隆重开幕,出席研讨会的挪方嘉宾有:挪威驻华使馆公使衔参赞裴杰先生、协会主席汉斯·富雷先生、协会常务主任及本次挪中文化艺术项目负责人苏珊娜·斯文赛女士、挪威国家艺术·建筑·设计博物馆资深策展人艾伦·莱白格女士、挪威蒙克博物馆资深策展人马格勒·汝杰先生、协会前任主任博格斯内斯先生、协会市场部负责人罗娜女士、协会信息部负责人爱恩女士、挪威斯达旺格艺术协会主任聂伽德先生、挪威斯达旺格艺术家协会策展人索兰德女士、挪威青年艺术家协会主任及策展人赫伽·玛丽·努比女士、挪威奥斯陆高等学院研究主任乌德伦·克利斯提·赛特女士、挪中文化交流发展中心主任和本项目的策划人刘惠佳女士等。出席研讨会的中方嘉宾有:中国文联副主席冯远先生、中国美协常务副主席刘大为先生、中国美协副主席吴长江先生、中国美协理论委员会主任邵大箴先生、中国艺术研究院研究员王镛先生、中国美协副秘书长陶勤女士、《美术》杂志主编尚辉先生、中国驻挪威前文化参赞梁友平先生等,以及北京双年展的策划委员、在京的众多美术理论家和评论家、各大美术院校的学生、中国艺术家和新闻媒体的记者等80余人。 On June 13, 2007, 12 Norwegian delegation headed by Hans Fury, chairman of the National Association of Norwegian Arts Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”), arrived in Beijing and officially opened the exhibition by the Chinese Artists Association, Norway Art Federation National Federation, Norwegian Cultural Exchange Center jointly organized by the “2007-2009 Sino-Norwegian art exchange project” the curtain. From June 14 to June 15, 2007, “Norwegian Art and Communication Symposium” was grandly opened in Yuexiu Hotel, Beijing. Guests from Norway include: Mr. Peijie, Minister Counselor of Norwegian Embassy in China; Mr. Hans, President of the Association; Mr. Fuller, Executive Director of the Association and Ms. Susanna Svensson, Head of the Sino-Norwegian Cultural and Art Project; Ms. Alan Leggig, Senior Curator of the Norwegian National Art, Architecture and Design Museum; Senior Curator of Munch Museum, Norway Mr. Margelle Ruge, former Chairman of the Association Mr. Borsnes, Ms. Rosana, Head of the Association’s Marketing Department, Ms. Ain, Head of the Information Department of the Association, Mr. Nyejjad, Director of the Norwegian Stavanger Art Society, Norway, Ms. Solander, curator of the Latvian Artists Association, Ms. Hega Marie Nui, director and curator of the Norwegian Young Artists Association, Ms. Udren Christie Seite, research director at the Oslo University of Norway, Director of Exchange Development Center and Ms. Liu Hui Jia, the planner of this project. Chinese guests attending the symposium included Mr. Feng Yuan, Vice Chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Mr. Liu Daliwei, Executive Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, Mr. Wu Changjiang, Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, Mr. Shao Dazhen, Director of China Association for the Study of Art, Mr. Tao Qin, Deputy Secretary General of China Artists Association, Mr. Shang Hui, Chief Editor of Fine Arts Magazine, Mr. Liang Youping, Counselor of Chinese Culture and Culture in Norway, as well as planning member of Beijing Biennale, many art theorists and critics in Beijing, More than 80 students from major art schools, reporters from Chinese artists and the news media.
南京市公证处积极发挥公证职能作用,逐步将公证工作渗透到残疾人生活中,十年来,为残疾人办理公证上千件,免收办证费用近百万元。 南京市公证处把贯彻残疾人保障法,维护残疾