求真务实 锐意进取——警犬比赛搜毒科目裁判工作有感

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为贯彻落实第二十次全国公安会议和周永康部长关于“大力开展岗位练兵活动”的一系列指示精神,进一步推动警犬技术服务于公安工作、服务于实战,坚持以赛促训,以赛促用,公安部决定于2004年10月上旬在辽宁省沈阳市举办第二届全国警犬技术比赛。各省、区、市代表队纷纷厉兵秣马,组织集训,力争在大赛中取得优异的成绩。众多集训领队、参赛队员和读者来电、来函咨询有关比赛的程序规则,对如何取得好成绩方面的经验、诀窍非常感兴趣。本刊为此专题策划“警犬比武参赛经验大家谈”系列访谈(讲座),邀请了第一届全国警犬技术比赛的裁判、助训等专业人士讲解有关比赛的注意事项,各项目冠军得主及优秀名次获得者畅谈经验体会,服务于广大读者朋友,以赛促训,希望对大家人犬技能的提高、参赛知识的丰富有所裨益。 In order to implement the spirit of a series of directives of the 20th National Public Security Conference and Zhou Yongkang on “vigorously carry out post training activities”, and further promote the technical services of police dogs in public security work, serve the actual combat, persist in promoting training through competition, Promote, the Ministry of Public Security decided in early October 2004 in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, held the second national police dog technology competition. Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities teams have done their utmost to organize training, and strive to achieve excellent results in the competition. Many leaders of training camps, team members and readers call us to inquire about the rules of procedure of the competition and are very interested in the experience and know-how of how to achieve good results. This issue for the planning of this topic “We participate in the contest of dog contest contestants ” series of interviews (lectures), invited the first session of the National Police dog technical competitions referees, training and other professionals to explain the game matters needing attention, the project champion And excellent ranking winners to talk about experience and experience, serve our readers and friends, to promote the game, hoping to improve the skills of everyone, the rich participation of knowledge is helpful.
本文对XML web service的安全访问机制作一概述。 This article provides an overview of the security mechanisms for accessing XML web services.