本田 为“慰安妇”落泪

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这一回,是美国人发火了!以往,日本政府和右翼势力认为,“慰安妇”问题,只有韩国、中国、朝鲜和荷兰等国关心;南京大屠杀问题,只有中国在追究。但现在,他们发现,过去对这些事不闻不问的美国人,也开始过问了。当日裔美国国会议员迈克·本田,将要求日本政府道歉的“慰安妇”问题议案提交美国众议院时,当美国在线副主席特德·莱昂西斯投资拍摄的揭露日军南京大屠杀暴行的纪录片开始公映时,日本一些人先是恼羞成怒,继而心惊胆战。因为他们发现,这不是两起简单的个人行为,而是正在美国兴起的那股“潮流”的代表。如果说迈克·本田和特德·莱昂西斯揭露日本的侵略暴行,是一场历史观、价值观上的战争,那么,这场战争也许只是刚刚开始…… In the past, the Japanese government and the right-wing forces thought that the issue of “comfort women” is only of concern to South Korea, China, North Korea and the Netherlands. Only the Chinese are investigating the massacre in Nanjing. Now, however, they have found that Americans who used to be indifferent to these things have also started to intervene. When Japanese-American MP Mike Honda will ask the Japanese government to apologize for the “comfort women” issue submitted to the US House of Representatives, when the United States Vice President Ted Léansis invested in exposing the atrocities of the Japanese Nanjing Massacre When the documentary began to be released, some in Japan first became angry and then scared. Because they found out, this is not just two simple personal acts, but the “trend” that is emerging in the United States. If Mike Honda and Ted Leonsis expose Japan’s aggressive atrocities as a war of history and values, then the war may have just begun ...
1890年7月27日,梵高在一片麦田中,面对着灿烂的阳光,对着自己扣动了扳机……那一枪,没有把梵高打死。他苦熬了两天,但他未喊叫一声。他说的最后一句话是:苦难永不会终结。   美国堪萨斯大学阿诺尔德教授分析了梵高晚年的书信和有关记录,发现苦艾酒是画家艺术和生活中不可缺少的饮料。   1789年,法国医生蒸馏出一种高浓度的烈性酒,含有苦艾和不同量的其他常用藥草,这种酒很快便流行开来。苦艾酒液碧绿透明
DNA methylation at repeats and transposons serves as a genome defense mechanism.RNAs,both small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs,are key player
In our study,we got femtoliter volume droplets by splitting of nanoliter droplets at a T-junction channel.The influence of flow rate of oil and water,channel ge