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  Jacki Lyden (Host): Of all the world’s birds, perhaps
  none are more mystical than 1)cranes.
  (Soundbite of Cranes)
  Lyden: That’s the 2)unison call of the red-crowned crane,
  a mated pair calling out to each other.
  (Soundbite of Cranes)
  Lyden: From Asia to North America, these tall birds with their haunting cries have been woven into paintings, literature, folk tales. But today, 10 of the world’s 15 crane species are threatened, some on the brink of extinction.
  Their grass and wetland habitats are being devastated all the world over. The International Crane Foundation is working to change that. Based in Wisconsin, the ICF turns 40 this year. George Archibald founded it with another young 3)ornithologist on a family farm near Baraboo.
  George Archibald is still caring for cranes around the world, and he joins us from a field 4)expedition outside Ulan Bator, Mongolia. George, tell us a little bit about the species. What are these birds like?
  George Archibald: Cranes are man-sized birds. Most of them are four to five feet tall. They’re 5)monogamous. Nothing they do is without grace. The 6)common denominator in cranes is that they are long-legged, long-necked birds with very big voices. Their voice can be heard for several miles on a still morning.
  The Wisconsin environmentalist philosopher Aldo Leopold writing back in 1935 wrote so 7)eloquently about cranes. And one of the sentences he wrote is: The silence 8)discernible in some wetlands perhaps arises from their once having harbored cranes. Now they stand humbled 9)adrift in history.
  When you see a 10)marsh without cranes, it’s very silent. When a crane is in a marsh, and they call, there’s this great spirit that lifts up in that area and brings life and meaning to the whole place. Lyden: What is the sound of the 11)whopping crane?
  Archibald: It’s woopdoop-doop, woopdoop-doop, woopdoop-doop. And the doop-doop is the female, and the woop is the male. That’s their 12)duet.
  Lyden: Ah. And they also do this incredible mating dance, right?
  Archibald: Yes. They throw sticks in the air, they jump high in the air, they run in circles, and they’ll run side by side. Then they’ll actually jump into the air, go for a distance, land and continue to circle and bow. And it must be quite exhausting.
  Lyden: I have visited the International Crane Foundation, and what you say about the stately graceful way these creatures walk really resonates. They all have this incredible, beautiful waltz of a walk. George, at the International Crane Foundation, you have, I believe it’s an African grey-crowned crane with a big 13)pouf on its head named Slidel. I believe this bird is from Kenya, a place where you’ve had some success at their restoration.   Archibald: Yes. They’re from East Africa. We’re very concerned about the beautiful cranes of Africa, particularly the crowned cranes. They’re being captured illegally and sent to the estates of the wealthy in the Middle East and to 14)safari parks in China and to animal dealers in Europe. We’ve had an 80% decline of the birds in East Africa, but we have had some successes too. Lyden: Tell me about the cranes that live in the 15)demilitarized zone between North and South Korea.
  Archibald: The demilitarized zone between North and South Korea is about four kilometers wide and has several valleys where about one-third of the world’s red-crowned cranes spend the winter, and where about one-half of the world’s whitenaped cranes—that’s about 3,000 birds—spend the months of October, November and February, March. It’s a wildlife paradise because it’s a no-man’s land. But unfortunately, there are plans 16)afoot to develop the lowland areas into factory zones to provide jobs for North Koreans through South Korean-built factories.
  As long as tensions remain high between North and South Korea, the cranes are fine. But should things soften, the South Koreans have all these development plans on the table.
  Lyden: In a sense, is it possible to talk about the health of the planet, the biodiversity that remains through the lives of creatures like the cranes?
  Archibald: Oh, sure. Large 17)vertebrates are very good indicators of the health of our environment, and cranes, particularly, because they require wide expanses of wetlands and grasslands. And if the cranes disappear, we know that something i s w r o n g i n t h a t environment.
  Lyden: Why do you think that cranes are so 18)revered culturally? I’m thinking of the 19)Kimonos of Japan—you’re on your way to Japan—I’m thinking of the thousand paper cranes, the symbol of peace at Hiroshima. What is it?
  Archibald: Well, they’re simply beautiful creatures, and they live a long time. They live 20 to 30 years in the wild. And in 20)captivity, they can live into the ripe old age of 60 or so. They breed very slowly. They 21)lavish care on their young, which is a value embraced by many people. And they’re about our size, in many cases, so we can identify with them. And when you have beautiful things in your environment, you want to paint them, you want to make stories about them, you want to dance like them. Cranes are one of the few birds that really know how to dance.
  杰姬·利登(主持人):世界上的所有鸟   类中,或许没有比鹤类更神秘的鸟了。



我想我们下一站就到站了。  I think the next stop is ours.  我们应该把座位让给那位带小孩的女士。  We should let that lady with the kids have our seats.  我可以在哪儿给我的卡充值?  Where can I 1)refill my card?  我的卡快没钱了,我需要给它充值。  I’m out of cred
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