Anisotropic Creep Rupture Properties of a Nickel-base Single Crystal Superalloy at High Temperature

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jieswh
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The creep rupture properties of a single crystal superalloy were tested at 975℃/255 MPa as a function of the deviation degrees from [001].The misorientation of the specimens away from [001] distributed approximately along a line between [001]-[011] and [001]-[111] boundaries in the triangle of the stereographic projection.Creep rupture lifetimes of the specimens were not sensitive to the misorientation until the deviation degree exceeded ~30 deg.Two steps of lattice rotation were found in all specimens during creep,first towards the [001]-[111] boundary,and then to [001] or [111] along the boundary.Single slip and strong asymmetric deformation were observed during the first stage of lattice rotation in specimens with large misorientation.The rotation mechanism was associated with the activated slip systems according to the calculated Schmid factors.The impact of lattice rotation on the rupture properties was also discussed. The creep rupture properties of a single crystal superalloy were tested at 975 ° C / 255 MPa as a function of the deviation degrees from [001]. The misorientation of the specimens away from [001] distributed approximately along a line between [001] - [ 011] and [001] - [111] boundaries in the triangle of the stereographic projection. Creep rupture lifetimes of the specimens were not sensitive to the misorientation until the deviation degree exceeded ~ 30 deg. Two steps of lattice rotation were found in all specimens during creep, first towards the [001] - [111] boundary, and then to [001] or [111] along the boundary. Single slip and strong asymmetric deformation were observed during the first stage of lattice rotation in specimens with large misorientation. The rotation mechanism was associated with the activated slip systems according to the calculated Schmid factors. The impact of lattice rotation on the rupture properties was also discussed.
1 一般资料50例中,男32例;年龄最大58岁,最小8岁;病程最长5年,最短3个月。2 治疗方法中药基本方:当归10g,白芍15g,白术10g,丹参15g,首乌12g,补骨脂10g,菟丝子12g,桑椹子12g,
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