
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uuukns111
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目的:了解医学与非医学专业大学生对婚前医学检查的态度和相关知识知晓情况,以便有针对性地进行宣传教育,让在校大学生认识到婚前医学检查不仅是个人行为,也是公民为提高民族素质而承担的义务和责任。方法:采用自行设计的问卷,对芜湖市一所医学类院校和一所非医学类院校在校二、三年级大学生进行现场调查。结果:772名大学生认为婚检有必要的占87.3%,其中医学专业学生持肯定态度的占90.7%,较非医学专业高。若免费婚检愿意接受的,非医学专业有61.0%,医学专业72.7%。大学生对于婚前医学检查的专业知识有一定程度的了解,但对国家通过哪部法律要求医疗保健机构为公民提供婚前医学检查、乙肝病毒阳性能否结婚、唇腭裂是否是先天性遗传疾病等知晓率较低。结论:广泛开展婚前医学检查意义的健康教育,使其了解婚检内容和重要性,提高自愿婚检的意识。 Objective: To understand the pre-marital medical examination of medical and non-medical students attitude and knowledge of related knowledge in order to carry out targeted education so that college students recognize that premarital medical examination is not only a personal act, but also for citizens to improve national quality And assume the obligations and responsibilities. Methods: A self-designed questionnaire was used to conduct on-the-spot investigation of a medical college and a non-medical college students in Wuhu City. Results: 772 college students believed that premarital examination accounted for 87.3%, of which 90.7% of medical students hold a positive attitude, higher than non-medical majors. If the free premarital examination is willing to accept, 61.0% of non-medical majors, 72.7% of medical majors. University students have a certain degree of understanding of the professional knowledge of premarital medical examination, but which law passed the national health care institutions for citizens to provide premarital medical examination, hepatitis B virus-positive married, whether cleft lip and palate is a congenital genetic disease awareness Lower. Conclusion: Extensive pre-marital medical examination of health education to make it understand the content and importance of premarital examination, raise the awareness of voluntary premarital examination.
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对二甲苯氧化催化剂工业试验成功中科院大连化物所研究组2009年6月初宣布在选择氧化研究中又取得新进展,其研发的新型对二甲苯氧化催化剂在10万t/a P-xylene oxidation cata
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