
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjwmyzl
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Migraine prevalence is increased in high- altitude populations and symptoms of acute mountain sickness mimic migraine symptoms. Here we tested whether normobaric hypoxia may trigger migraine attacks. As positive control we used nitrolgycerin (NTG), which has been shown to induce migraine attacks in up to 80% of migraineurs. Sixteen patients (12 females, mean age 28.9 ± 7.2 years) suffering from migraine with (n = 8) and without aura (n = 8) underwent three different provocations (normobaric hypoxia, NTG and placebo) in a randomized, cross- over, double dummy design. Each provocation was performed on a separate day. The primary outcome measure was the proportion of patients developing a migraine attack according to the criteria of the International Headache Society within 8 h after provocation onset. Fourteen patients completed all three provocations. Migraine was provoked in six (42% ) patients by hypoxia, in three (21% ) by NTG and in two (14% ) by placebo. The differences among groups were not significant (P = 0.197). The median time to attacks was 5 h. In conclusion, the (remarkably) low response rate to NTG is surprising in view of previous data. Further studies are required to establish fully the potency of hypoxia in triggering migraine attacks. Migraine prevalence is increased in high altitude populations and symptoms of acute mountain sickness mimic migraine symptoms. Here we tested whether normobaric hypoxia may trigger migraine attacks. Sixteen patients (12 females, mean age 28.9 ± 7.2 years) suffering from migraine with (n = 8) and without aura (n = 8) underwent three different provocations (normobaric hypoxia, NTG and placebo) in a The primary outcome measure was the proportion of patients developing a migraine attack according to the criteria of the International Headache Society within 8 h after provocation onset. Fourteen patients completed all three provocations. Migraine was provoked in six (42%) patients by hypoxia, in three (21%) by NTG and in two (14%) by placebo. The differences among grou In addition, the median time to attacks was 5 h. In conclusion, the (remarkably) low response rate to NTG is surprising in view of previous data. Further studies are required to establish fully the potency of hypoxia in triggering migraine attacks.
马戛尔尼访华失败,使中国在欧洲的形象发生了180度的大转变。自1793年第一次踏上中国的土地并受到乾隆皇帝的接见,到1840年在议会辩论中极力主张对中国诉诸武力,托马斯斯当东代表了西方对中国印象的转变。  从18世纪近乎痴狂的中国热到19世纪视中国为野蛮落后的国家,中国在欧洲的形象发生了180度的大转折。如果必须找出这个变化的标志性事件,那么毫无疑问它就是全英国甚至整个欧洲都寄予厚望的马戛尔尼访华
目的 评价64层螺旋CT脑灌注成像(CTP)和头颈部CT血管成像(CTA)检查对颈内动脉(ICA)及大脑中动脉(MCA)狭窄和(或)闭塞所致脑缺血的诊断价值.方法 对69例经DSA证实为单、双侧ICA或MCA狭窄和(或)闭塞患者(病例组)及10名正常成年志愿者(对照组)分别进行64层螺旋CT头颅平扫、CTP和CTA检查,观察CTP成像特点,并对各组脑血流量(CBF)、脑血容量(CBV)、平均通过时