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(一)我省,由于气候适宜,耕作栽培制度复杂,病虫发生种类繁多,仅水稻就有180余种,其中害虫150余种,病害30余种,棉花病虫150多种,其中害虫130余种,病害20余种。所以,历年来,主要作物的主要病虫,发生普遍,危害严重。水稻因各种病虫综合危害的产量损失,经我省1980—1982年3年,计183丘,225.271亩,分未施药对照和施药防治稻田对产量影响的测定结果: (I) In our province, due to the suitable climate, the tillage and cultivation system is complex and there are many kinds of pests and diseases. There are over 180 species of rice alone, including more than 150 kinds of pests, more than 30 kinds of diseases and more than 150 kinds of cotton pests, including 130 pests More than species, more than 20 kinds of diseases. Therefore, over the years, the major pests and diseases of major crops have been widespread and devastating. Rice production due to a variety of pests and diseases of the loss, by the province 1980-1983 three years, 183 mounds, 225.271 acres, no application of pesticide control and control of rice yield on the measured results:
3%呋喃丹颗粒剂深施防治棉蚜的效果显著,试验结果如下: 4月7日播种,施药区先开沟按每亩3斤用量施下,然后播种,再覆以细砂土。出苗后至现蕾前未施任何其它农药。 田间观察播种
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4、散板似的自由节奏演唱,延长音可长可短,视演唱者的嗓子、气息、情绪等情况而定,自由发挥。 4, scattered board-like free-rhythm singing, extension sound can be long
我县于1982年10月13日至25日对越冬前马尾松毛虫进行大面积飞机超低容量防治,取得显著效果,现初报如下: 一、防治区概况我县地处浙江中部。全县山林总面积92万亩,其中马尾松
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回顾近年来研究鹿茸的文献 ,对鹿茸的化学成分及药理作用进行综述。总结出鹿茸具有抑制单胺氧化酶 (MAO)活性、抗氧化、抗衰老、提高性功能、提高耐力、增强记忆力、增强机体