在目睹日军的野蛮暴行之前 ,传教士们对日军的军纪充满信心 ,认为日军是一支仁义之师。南京沦陷后 ,日军烧杀淫掠的疯狂暴行促使传教士们改变对它的态度 ,但即使在抗议、阻止、揭露日军暴行的时候 ,传教士们也努力发现日本士兵中表现较好的人与行为。对日本民族与日本人民 ,他们则一直都持欣赏的态度 ,他们所反对的 ,只是日军的暴虐 ,而不是日本国或日本人民 ,那种关于他们反日的指责不足为信。
Before witnessing the savage atrocities of the Japanese army, missionaries were full of confidence in the military discipline of the Japanese army and regarded the Japanese army as a benevolent division. After the fall of Nanjing, the Japanese arsonist brutal arson prompted the missionaries to change their attitude toward it. But even in the protest, preventing and exposing the atrocities of the Japanese army, missionaries also worked hard to find out who the better performing Japanese soldiers were behavior. They always admired the Japanese nation and the Japanese people. What they opposed was only the Japanese tyranny, not the Japanese or Japanese people, whose accusations of anti-Japanese opposition were not enough.