Microstructure, Tensile Properties and Heat Treatment Process of Spray Formed FGH95 Superalloy

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong428
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The potential of spray forming for microstructural refining can be attractive to the production of superalloys.A200mm spray formed FGH95superalloy round billet that was produced using a single atomizer has considerably homogeneous,small,equiaxed grains.The measured oxygen content is 2×10-5,and the measured porosity is only 0.6%.The achieved yield of deposit is in a good range of about 73.6%.The microstructure and tensile properties of nickel-based spray formed FGH95superalloy are analyzed.Also,effects of heat treatment on microstructure were discussed.The results show that the spray formed FGH95superalloy has higher isotropy in tensile property due to itsγ′phase homogeneous distribution and less defects in the microstructure.Regarding processing procedures,the different heat treatment processes affect the microstructure andγ′phase homogeneous distribution of spray formed FGH95superalloy. The potential of spray forming for microstructural refining can be attractive to the production of superalloys. A200mm spray formed FGH95superalloy round billet that was produced using a single atomizer has appreciably homogeneous, small, equiaxed grains. The measured oxygen content is 2 × 10- 5, and the measured porosity is only 0.6%. The achieved yield of deposit is in a good range of about 73.6%. The microstructure and tensile properties of nickel-based spray formed FGH95superalloy are analyzed. Also, effects of heat treatment on microstructure were discussed. results show that the spray formed FGH95superalloy has higher isotropy in tensile property due to itsγ’phase homogeneous distribution and less defects in the microstructure. Regarding processing procedures, the different heat treatment processes affect the microstructure andγ’phase homogeneous distribution of spray formed FGH95superalloy.
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