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几个月前,倾听了王老师和李老师的一次对话。现在想起来,我仍然感到一种莫名的沉重,甚至会眼圈发热,流下泪来。那是刚开学的第二天下午,课外活动时间,王老师和李老师一同来到校教务处,递交高三第一学期的工作计划。王老师交送的计划题目是《抛开一切,聚焦高考》;李老师交送的是《高三更要关注学生弱势群体》。 A few months ago, I listened to a dialogue between Teacher Wang and Teacher Li. Now I think of it, I still feel a kind of inexplicable weight, and even eye circles fever, shed tears. It was the afternoon of the second day of the school year. After the extracurricular activities, Mr. Wang and Mr. Li came to the school office to submit the work plan for the third semester. The subject of Wang’s plan is “put everything and focus on the college entrance examination”; Teacher Li delivered “High School should pay attention to the vulnerable groups of students”.
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If the population of the earth goes on increasing at its present rate, there will eventually not be enough resources left to sustain life on the planet. By the
导语:女性作家通过对食物直白或借用修辞手段的描写来强化食物的五味杂陈。  一般来说,男性作家比女性作家更容易把食物和性欲联系起来,女作家则往往把食物和女性角色及社会地位联系起来。女作家运用食物意象有很多目的:讨论个人行为、社会行为、心理障碍、艺术、性、性别政治、贫穷、民族主义甚至谋杀迷案。  厨房,女人的圣地  在加拿大作家阿特伍德笔下,食物被巧妙地用来隐喻男女之间微妙的地位差异和权力关系。在《可
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一、案情简介  1999年春天,某公司对外宣传采用“共销”模式经营,即用380元买一份“单”(一件衬衣或一桶油,价值在50元左右),就成为公司的共销员,可定期享受公司的分红等。为使人