
来源 :空间结构 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chad
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将拉索与柱面网壳相结合,就可以形成新的弦支结构——弦支筒壳结构.以一实际工程为例,本文将分别采用地震波一致输入和考虑行波效应的多点输入分析方法对弦支筒壳进行地震响应分析.结果表明,地震作用下单层筒壳杆件内力和撑杆内力随时间的变化都是在某一数值上下波动,而下弦索内力随时间的变化则是波动着上升.与一致输入相比,多点输入时,单层筒壳杆件内力有些发生了方向改变,有较少一部分内力减小,大部分杆件的内力增大,且随着行波速度的减小,内力增大的杆件增多,幅度加大;一部撑杆的内力增大,也有相当一部分撑杆的内力减小,且随着行波速度的增大,二者对撑杆内力的影响趋于相同;下弦索中拉力或者增大或者趋于与一致输入时相同,且随着行波速度的增大,二者对下弦索中拉力的影响趋于相同. The combination of the cable and the reticulated shell can form a new chord structure - chord support shell structure.Using a practical project as an example, this paper will use the consistent input of seismic wave and the multi-point input The analysis of the seismic response of the chord support shell shows that the internal forces of the monolayer shell support member and the internal force of the support bar fluctuate with time under the action of earthquake and the internal force of the chordal cable changes with time Is fluctuating rise.Compared with the consistent input, multi-point input, the single-layer cylinder shell rod force some changes in direction, a smaller part of the internal force decreases, most of the internal force increases, and with the Traveling wave speed decreases, the internal force increases the number of rods increases, the amplitude increases; a strut of internal force increases, but also a considerable part of the strut internal force decreases, and as the traveling wave velocity increases, both The influence on the inner force of the stay tend to be the same; the tension in the lower chord increases or tends to be the same as that of the consistent input; and as the traveling wave velocity increases, the impact of the two on the tension in the lower chord tends to be the same.
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讲给“小老鼠”听的故事    儿童文学作家肯尼斯·格雷厄姆,出生在英国的爱丁堡。很小的时候,他的父母就过世了,他们兄妹被不同的亲戚收养。格雷厄姆被带到伯克郡,来到了美丽的泰晤士河畔。  小格雷厄姆喜欢在田野散步,喜欢倾听吹过柳林的风的声音。长大后,格雷厄姆喜爱自然和文学,喜欢在大自然里漫游,经常利用晚上和假日的时间写作。  格雷厄姆的儿子绰号叫“小老鼠”,他很喜欢听爸爸讲故事。格雷厄姆编了一个以小