Have you ever felt pure fear, a fear that makes you act in a way you normally would not?
That is panic. Panic is a great fear that makes otherwise normal people do abnormal things.
To hit the panic button means to panic suddenly. Another common expression is widespread panic. It describes an event that causes panic among large numbers of people. For example, “The spread of disease caused widespread panic throughout Europe during The Middle Ages.”
The origin of the word panic comes from the Greek word “panikos.”According to Greek myth, Pan was the god of flocks and shepherds. Greek legend says that Pan was half human and half goat. He lived in the woods and in the fields. His angry voice was so scary that it caused panic to anyone who was unlucky enough to be nearby.
According to one Greek myth, Pan fell in love with a beautiful nymph[居住在山林水泽的仙女]. A nymph is a spirit that takes the shape of a young woman and lives in the mountains, forests, meadows and water. Pan tried to capture her, but she ran away. The nymph hid in a river taking the form of a reed[芦苇], a thick, hollow grass that lives in the water.
The wind made a song as it blew across the hollow reeds.
Pan did not know which reed was the nymph. So, he took a handful and joined them together side-by-side and carried it with him to hear the music it played. Today, we call this instrument a pan flute[排箫].
Of course, this is just the Greek story. Pan flutes also have a long history in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Just like the pan flute, panic can be found everywhere.
Mental health experts treat people with panic disorders. The American Psychological Association defines a panic attack as “a sudden surge of overwhelming, or extreme, fear that comes without warning and without any obvious reason.”
The word panic also describes economic or financial disasters.
The most infamous financial panic in the U.S. was the stock market crash of 1929. Some people on Wall Street where stocks were traded were so panicked that they jumped from their office windows.
Panic is also a great literary tool.
Jack London was an American writer who wrote “The Sea Wolf.” He left school at age 14 to become a seaman. Published in 1904, “The Sea Wolf”has a panicked ship-wreck scene that is partly based on Mr. London’s experience as a sailor in the Pacific Ocean. Two ships crash together in the ocean. Women passengers scream with panic as the ship goes down into the freezing ocean waves. As one man finds himself adrift alone in the sea, another type of panic takes hold of him.
“I was alone. I could hear no calls or cries—only the sound of the waves, made weirdly hollow and reverberant[回响的] by the fog. A panic in a crowd, which partakes of a sort of community of interest, is not so terrible as a panic when one is by oneself; and such a panic I now suffered. I confess that a madness seized me, that I shrieked aloud as the women had shrieked, and beat the water with my numb hands.”
Panic is a powerful tool in myth or literature but not so much in real life. So, next time you feel extreme fear taking hold of you, causing you to lose all reason, remember to remain calm. And don’t panic.
hit the panic button 喻指一时慌乱或惊慌失措。据说第二次世界大战期间,美国轰炸机的驾驶员在飞机受损的紧急情况下按动紧急按钮(panic button)通知机上人员降落。后来口语中用hit(或push)the panic button表示惊惶失措,即一个人遇到紧急或者异常情况时手忙脚乱,不知所措,就如机师乱按紧急按钮,生动地描绘出“失酷(失去冷静)”(lose one’s cool)的动作。口语中叫人不要惊慌的例子如:Don’t go hitting the panic button, I’m sure you can solve the problem with a little rational thought.(不要惊慌,我相信你稍微理智地考虑一下就能解决问题。)Hit (Push) the panic button亦作Press the panic button。
widespread panic 意思是广泛的恐慌。
panic disorders意思是恐慌紊乱,惊恐症。
panic attack是指急性焦虑症,又称惊恐发作。患者突然感到恐惧,犹如大难临头或死亡将至,从而失去自控能力而尖叫逃跑、躲藏或呼救。
That is panic. Panic is a great fear that makes otherwise normal people do abnormal things.
To hit the panic button means to panic suddenly. Another common expression is widespread panic. It describes an event that causes panic among large numbers of people. For example, “The spread of disease caused widespread panic throughout Europe during The Middle Ages.”
The origin of the word panic comes from the Greek word “panikos.”According to Greek myth, Pan was the god of flocks and shepherds. Greek legend says that Pan was half human and half goat. He lived in the woods and in the fields. His angry voice was so scary that it caused panic to anyone who was unlucky enough to be nearby.
According to one Greek myth, Pan fell in love with a beautiful nymph[居住在山林水泽的仙女]. A nymph is a spirit that takes the shape of a young woman and lives in the mountains, forests, meadows and water. Pan tried to capture her, but she ran away. The nymph hid in a river taking the form of a reed[芦苇], a thick, hollow grass that lives in the water.
The wind made a song as it blew across the hollow reeds.
Pan did not know which reed was the nymph. So, he took a handful and joined them together side-by-side and carried it with him to hear the music it played. Today, we call this instrument a pan flute[排箫].
Of course, this is just the Greek story. Pan flutes also have a long history in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Just like the pan flute, panic can be found everywhere.
Mental health experts treat people with panic disorders. The American Psychological Association defines a panic attack as “a sudden surge of overwhelming, or extreme, fear that comes without warning and without any obvious reason.”
The word panic also describes economic or financial disasters.
The most infamous financial panic in the U.S. was the stock market crash of 1929. Some people on Wall Street where stocks were traded were so panicked that they jumped from their office windows.
Panic is also a great literary tool.
Jack London was an American writer who wrote “The Sea Wolf.” He left school at age 14 to become a seaman. Published in 1904, “The Sea Wolf”has a panicked ship-wreck scene that is partly based on Mr. London’s experience as a sailor in the Pacific Ocean. Two ships crash together in the ocean. Women passengers scream with panic as the ship goes down into the freezing ocean waves. As one man finds himself adrift alone in the sea, another type of panic takes hold of him.
“I was alone. I could hear no calls or cries—only the sound of the waves, made weirdly hollow and reverberant[回响的] by the fog. A panic in a crowd, which partakes of a sort of community of interest, is not so terrible as a panic when one is by oneself; and such a panic I now suffered. I confess that a madness seized me, that I shrieked aloud as the women had shrieked, and beat the water with my numb hands.”
Panic is a powerful tool in myth or literature but not so much in real life. So, next time you feel extreme fear taking hold of you, causing you to lose all reason, remember to remain calm. And don’t panic.
hit the panic button 喻指一时慌乱或惊慌失措。据说第二次世界大战期间,美国轰炸机的驾驶员在飞机受损的紧急情况下按动紧急按钮(panic button)通知机上人员降落。后来口语中用hit(或push)the panic button表示惊惶失措,即一个人遇到紧急或者异常情况时手忙脚乱,不知所措,就如机师乱按紧急按钮,生动地描绘出“失酷(失去冷静)”(lose one’s cool)的动作。口语中叫人不要惊慌的例子如:Don’t go hitting the panic button, I’m sure you can solve the problem with a little rational thought.(不要惊慌,我相信你稍微理智地考虑一下就能解决问题。)Hit (Push) the panic button亦作Press the panic button。
widespread panic 意思是广泛的恐慌。
panic disorders意思是恐慌紊乱,惊恐症。
panic attack是指急性焦虑症,又称惊恐发作。患者突然感到恐惧,犹如大难临头或死亡将至,从而失去自控能力而尖叫逃跑、躲藏或呼救。